这么长的故事短暂,我试图在我的电脑靴子上自动化一些东西。我以为我会编写一个C#控制台应用程序来执行此操作,然后将其添加到要在Boothup上执行的Windows中的计划任务。我的问题是一个程序,它需要一个密码,并且没有通过命令行打开选项。因此必须手动输入。我的思想是从KeePass数据库中检索我的密码,并使用SendKeys输入密码并登录程序。我拥有的问题是加载所需的时间;我无法检测到GUI接口加载并为我的Sendkeys准备好的方法。有没有办法来检测这个?我假设我必须使用的是“进程”类,因为这就是我曾经运行该程序的内容。另请注意,当我使用process.start()运行可执行文件时,程序会创建一个登录的另一个进程,但它没有任何相关窗口,我可以使用Windows API调用来查看。


问题: 从C#检测到第三方程序加载时(即,飞溅屏幕消失了,GUI准备好用于用户交互 - 这意味着我不能依赖于进程是否正在运行)。 此外,第三方程序没有命令行选项,或者我只需用密码作为参数运行它。

目标: 要使用SendKeys才能自动输入密码,但我的程序必须等待第三方应用程序完成加载。

注意: 使用C#.NET 3.5控制台应用程序 没有为我自己的形式检测负载,而是第三方,否则这将是简单的(即form_loaded事件......)



问题解决了! 我收到的两个答案组合给我我想要的解决方案。所以,如果稍后有人来,这里就是我做的工作所做的。


// IMPORTANT Windows API imports....

[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out uint procId);

[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx(IntPtr hwndParent, IntPtr hwndChildAfter, string lpszClass, string lpszWindow); 

[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);

// When I get to this point in my code, I already had the password and window title...
string password = "password";
string title = "window title";

// This gets a handle to the window I want where "title" is the text in the title
// bar of the window as a string.
// This is a Windows API function that must be imported by DLLImport
// I had to get the handle this way because all I knew about the third party
// window was the title, not the process name or anything...
IntPtr hWnd = FindWindowEx(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, null, title);

// Now that I have a handle to the login window I used another windows API
// call to get the process ID.

// This windows API call gives me the Process ID as an out parameter and returns
// the thread ID of the window. I don't use the thread it, but maybe you can...
uint loginWindowProcId;
uint loginWindowThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, out loginWindowProcId);

// now I can just use .NET to find the Process for me...
Process loginWindowProcess = null;

if (0 != loginWindowProcId)
  // get the process object
  loginWindowProcess = Process.GetProcessById((int)loginWindowProcId);

  // This right here is why I wanted the Process structure. It takes a
  // little while for the client software to load and be ready. So here
  // you wait for the window to be idle so you know it has loaded and can
  // receive user input, or in this case keys from "SendKeys".

  // I use yet another windows API call to make sure that the login window
  // is currently in the foreground. This ensures that the keys are sent
  // to the right window. Use the handle that we started with.

  // Now send the password to the window. In my case, the user name is 
  // always there from my windows credentials. So normally I would type in the
  // password and press ENTER to login. But here I'll use SendKeys to mimic my
  // behavior.
  SendKeys.SendWait(password);   // send password string
  SendKeys.SendWait("{ENTER}");  // send ENTER key

  // Now the client should be logging in for you! : )

  // If you are using a console application like I am, you must add a reference to
  // System.Windows.Forms to your project and put "using System.Windows.Forms;" in
  // your code. This is required to use the "SendKeys" function.
  // Also this code is just for my testing (quick and dirty), you will want to write 
  // more checks and catch errors and such. You should probably give the 
  // WaitForInputIdle a timeout etc...




http://msdn.microsoft。COM / EN-US / LIBRARY / XB73D10T%28V= VS.71%29.aspx


尝试查看: http://www.acoolsip.com/a-cool-blog/science-and-technology/151-c-sending-commands-to-independent-windows.html


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