
import System.Cmd
import System.Exit
import Control.Monad

exitCodeToBool ExitSuccess = True
exitCodeToBool (ExitFailure _) = False

run :: String -> IO Bool
run = (fmap exitCodeToBool) . system

main = liftM2 (&&) (run "foo") (run "bar")



False && (all (/= 0) [1..])




我认为使用 && 因为条件执行是一个坏习惯。当然,这样做只是一个理由问题 无副作用False && all (/=0) [1..], 但是当有副作用的时候,让它们以这种隐藏的方式依赖是相当混乱的。(因为这种做法非常普遍,大多数程序员会立即认识到它;但我不认为这是我们应该鼓励的东西,至少在Haskell不会。)

你想要的是一种表达方式:"执行一些操作, 直到 一个产量 False".


main = do
   e0 <- run "foo"
   when e0 $ run "bar"

或短: run "foo" >>= (`when` run "bar").


啊哈,莫纳德!事实上,你需要的是IO monad,但有一个额外的"杀死开关":要么你做一系列动作,每个动作都可能有一些结果传递,或者-如果其中任何一个失败–你中止整个事情。听起来很像 Maybe, ,对吧?


import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe

run :: String -> MaybeT IO ()
run s = MaybeT $ do
   e <- system s
   return $ if exitCodeToBool e then Just () else Nothing

main = runMaybeT $ do
   run "foo"
   run "bar"


You say that you want to run commands in parallel and run "bar" only if "foo" succeeds. It makes no sense. You have to decide, if you want to run it in parallel or sequential.

If you want run "bar" only if "foo" succeed, try:

import System.Process

main = do callCommand "foo"
          callCommand "bar"

Or if you want to run it in parallel, try:

import System.Process
import Control.Concurrent

myForkIO :: IO () -> IO (MVar ())
myForkIO io = do
    mvar <- newEmptyMVar
    forkFinally io (\_ -> putMVar mvar ())
    return mvar

main = do mvar <- myForkIO $ callCommand "foo"
          callCommand "bar"
          takeMVar mvar

The IO action

liftM2 f action1 action2

runs both actions for any binary function f is (e.g., (&&) in your case). If you want to just run action1 you can code it as follows:

--| Short-circuit &&
sAnd :: IO Bool -> IO Bool -> IO Bool
sAnd action1 action2 = do
    b <- action1
    if b then action2 else return False

Use it as sAnd action1 action2.

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