Let's say that we have function setAngle(x,y,z) which works perfectly. Now we also have position of ourself and a chicken. How can we use setAngle() to aim the chicken? This would be done in an fps game? I have no idea on how to convert the positions to the angle... >.<



There is math? Let be yourself at point

A(x, y, z)

and the chicken at

B(x, y, z)

A is part of plane E; its points satisfying the equation

a * x + b * y + c * z = d

Considering your game, E is possibly parallel to the XY-plane, so we have

E : c * z = d

Then, the angle enclosed by vector AB and the XY-plane is the arcsin of

c * ( B[z] - A[z] ) / ( mag(n) * mag(AB) )

where mag(n) is the magnitude of the surface normal of E resp. of the vector AB.

Considering your function, this might proof unnecessary, for it seems to me like adjusting things for you already.


It is the aTan of the slope of the line between you and the chicken. Use aTan2 though, it will work better regarding vertical directions (Thanks lhf)

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