This is related to Classic ASP code. A page fetches data for a particular ProjectCode.

There is a general text field which shows the Site-Location for selected Project-Code. I want to change it to drop down, so that a user can change the Site-Location from options available (fetched from DB) and then save it. Also, on page load the Site-Location of Project-Code for that particular entry should be selected.

I have added following code to my Page, but it doesn't work(definately I am new to classic ASP).

    strSQL = "SP_GET_SiteLocation"
    Set rsSiteList = RunSQLQuery(strSQL)

    'show the list
    If Not rsSiteList.EOF Then
    Do While NOT rs.EOF
    SiteLocationList= SiteLocationList & "<option value="">" & rs("LOCATION") & "</option>"

Also, on click of save button, i have to send the selected drop down value to update query.



You use a wrong name for the recordset variable..

You named it rsSiteList but you use it as rs

Do While NOT rsSiteList.EOF
    SiteLocationList= SiteLocationList & "<option value="">" & rsSiteList("LOCATION") & "</option>"


You are building a string with all the options ..

you should write it in the page at some point.. response.write(SiteLocationList)

or write the <options> directly to the page..

<select name="somename"><%
    Do While NOT rsSiteList.EOF
       <option value=""><%=rsSiteList("LOCATION")%></option>

update 2

Not sure why you do not want to print the options as you read them from the recordset but prefer to make a huge string instead and print that at the end ... it is the same thing but much more cleaner ..

The following should select the location that matches the rsReqDetails("AppReqSiteID")

  Set rsSiteList=RunSQLQuery(strSQL)
  selectedValue = rsReqDetails("AppReqSiteID")
  If Not rsSiteList.EOF Then
    Do While NOT rsSiteList.EOF
       loc = rsSiteList("LOCATION")
       if loc <> selectedValue then
         optionOpen = "<option>"
         optionOpen = "<option selected=""selected"">"
       end if
       optionClose = "</option>"
       SiteLocationList=SiteLocationList & optionOpen  & rsSiteList("LOCATION") & optionClose 
  End If
  <select id="SiteLocationList" NAME="SiteLocationList">

In general you need to watch the nesting of html as it can mess everything up. Also you need to read a little on the interactions between ASP and HTML ...


You almost got it, you're missing the "select" tag:

    strSQL = "SP_GET_SiteLocation"  
Set rsSiteList = RunSQLQuery(strSQL)  

'show the list  
If Not rsSiteList.EOF Then  %>
<select><%Do While NOT rs.EOF SiteLocationList= SiteLocationList & "<option value="">" & rs("LOCATION") & "</option>"  
rs.MoveNext %>
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