I have live & staging SharePoint servers 2013. and i have installed the November 2014 CU on both of them, then i run the product configuration wizard. now when i run the following command on both servers


on live i got:-

Major  Minor  Build  Revision
-----  -----  -----  --------
15     0      4641   1000

while on staging i got:-

PS C:\> (Get-SPFarm).BuildVersion

Major  Minor  Build  Revision
-----  -----  -----  --------
15     0      4667   1000

so why i have different build numbers (4641 & 4667). i have noted on my live server that windows update tool is showing the following update for SharePoint foundation server http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2899508 (this update was installed by mistake inside my staging), so could this update cause the difference ?

second question. is there any problem of installing SharePoint foundation updates inside SharePoint server 2013 professional ?


enter image description here



​15.0.4641.1001 is for ​August 2014 CU while ​15.0.4667.1000 is for ​November 2014 CU. Check from Here

So what i think, you installed the Aug 2014 CU on the Live servers while on staging Server You install the Correct the CU.

to fix this, simply download the Nov 2014 CU for SharePoint Server and Install on all servers in farm than Run the Config wizard. Keep in mind, This required an outage so plan accordingly.

Their is no problem if you install the SharePoint foundation, But if you have Server then Install the SharePoint Server Binaries as SharePoint Server CU include the SharePoint Foundation as well.

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