Is it possible to tell whether a node is contained within (or equal to) another node in XSLT? For example, consider this code snippet:

<xsl:variable name="itemSection" select=".."/>
<xsl:for-each select="key('enemyItems', @key)">
    <xsl:variable name="enemyList" select="./attributes/@value"/>
    <xsl:variable name="enemyListSection" select="../../.."/>

Is it possible to tell whether itemSection is contained within (or equal to) enemyListSection?



In XPath 1.0


In XPath 2.0

$itemSection[ancestor::*[. is $enemyListSection]]


Just a small adjustment to Alejandro's answer:

In XPath 1.0


In XPath 2.0

$itemSection[ancestor-or-self::*[. is $enemyListSection]]

Because the original question asked:

Is it possible to tell whether itemSection is contained within (or equal to) enemyListSection?

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