Today when I checked my SharePoint 2016 on premise it gives me

500 Internal server error ,

I checked the Application Pool (All the application are running correctly), I restarted IIS also but still I am getting the same error.

C.A is working fine



Finally got the solution for my problem.

Here I am giving the steps that I have done:

  1. Go to SharePoint Management Shell( ISE ) (Run as administrator) and run the Below powershell command:

    Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
    $hostConfig = Get-SPServiceHostconfig
    $SPservice = Get-SPServiceApplication |?{$ -eq 'SecurityTokenServiceApplication'}
    Import-Module WebAdministration
    Stop-Website 'SharePoint Web Services'
    Start-Website 'SharePoint Web Services'


You can try to change the web service url of SharePoint webservices to 16 hive, in my case it point to 15 hive folder.

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