I have list called "Employee" and it has lookup column called as "City". This lookup column is Connected to Picture libraray. I wish to retrieve imageurl from it. How to achieve it. I tried this so far but unable to get.

SPList list = spWeb.Lists["Employee"];
SPList picLibCity = spWeb.Lists["City"];

foreach (SPListItem item in items)
   EmpList.Add(new EmpLinks
       Title = item["Title"].ToString(),
       City= new SPFieldLookupValue(item["City"] as String).LookupValue

Then i am trying following to get imageurl

foreach (var row in EmpList)
    if (row.City!= null)
        string group = row.city;
        SPItem lookupItem = picLibCity.GetItemById(group.LookupId);
        string imageUrl = lookupItem["ImageURL"].ToString();


This is my EmpLinks Class

 internal class EmpLinks
        public string Title { set; get; }
        public string City{ set; get; }



Instead of SPList you should use SPPictureLibrary. I mean

SPList picLibCity = (SPPictureLibrary) spWeb.Lists["City"];

And instead of ImageURL, you should use ServerUrl. I mean

foreach (var row in EmpList)
    if (row.City!= null)
        string group = row.city;
        SPItem lookupItem = picLibCity.GetItemById(group.LookupId);
        string imageUrl = lookupItem["ServerUrl"].ToString();


Full modified code

SPList list = spWeb.Lists["Employee"];
SPList picLibCity = (SPPictureLibrary) spWeb.Lists["City"];

foreach (SPListItem item in items)
   EmpList.Add(new EmpLinks
       Title = item["Title"].ToString(),
       City= new SPFieldLookupValue(item["City"] as String)

foreach (var row in EmpList)
        if (row.City!= null)
            SPItem lookupItem = picLibCity.GetItemById(row.City.LookupId);
            string imageUrl = lookupItem["ServerUrl"].ToString();


internal class EmpLinks
        public string Title { set; get; }
        public SPFieldLookupValue City{ set; get; }


If you need absolute URL, then you can use EncodedAbsUrl. I mean

string imageUrl = lookupItem["EncodedAbsUrl"].ToString();
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