I have an SharePoint list in which I am using the Infopath form and over there I have a column called business lead. and I have more than one business lead for the project. The issue I am facing is I am unable to filter that column. I get a message "

"Cannot show the value of the filter. The field may not be filterable or the number of items returned exceeds the list view threshold enforced by administrator"

Is it because I am using InfoPath?

Since on other list or libraries I am able to do only on this I am unable to do.

Please advise.



The issue was fixed. On the List settings. open that column and Under "Allow selection of" Select people only. Once that is done it worked. But later when i selected People and Groups also it started working. Not sure the reason. But happy that it started working. The filter starts working. let me know if that helps.

Thanks Mohammed

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