I am using magento 1.7. I would like to have a event before the call of this method Mage_Adminhtml_Sales_Order_CreateController save.

I tried to do it like this :

Config.xml :


app/code/community/Gfi/TNT/Model/Observercontroller.php :

class Gfi_TNT_Model_Observercontroller extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
    public function addTntRelayQuote() {

What is wrong in my code? Could you help me?


解决方案 2

I found my mistake. With the help of this post : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31468618/need-a-magento-event-that-will-fire-after-changing-the-shipping-address-of-an-or

I found what was wrong. The name on a controller event in the adminhtml is all the time like this :


I thought it was useless to add adminhtml before the path of my controller but not.

So in my case , my config.xml is :


I hope it can help :)


I assume you are trying to save some custom data after the order is saved from the backend

You can try this event



class Gfi_TNT_Model_Observercontroller
    public function addTntRelayQuote() {
        $order = $observer->getEvent()->getOrder();
        // you can use this object and save your additional data

You can also try sales_order_save_before event.

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