我试图解决这个问题,但无法找到任何解决方案。我有一个正常的模块中定义的UDT,并希望在一类模块使用它作为参数在一Public Sub。然后我得到一个编译错误:













那么,有没有办法有一个公共   UDT作为参数在公共   在一类子?





Private Type testtype
  x As String
End Type

Friend Sub testmethod(y As testtype)

End Sub

从你的错误消息出现类是私有的。如果你想你的类是公开的 - 即你在做一个ActiveX EXE或DLL,你希望客户能够访问子 - 那只是让这两个类型和副公开



Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByVal dst As Long, ByVal src As Long, ByVal nBytes As Long)

Private Sub Command1_Click()
' Okay, this is what won't work in VB6:
'     Dim MyUdt1 As MyUdtType   ' Declare a variable with a publicly defined UDT (no problem).
'     Form2.Show                ' We could have created some object with a class.  This was just easier for the demo.
'           INSIDE OF FORM2:
'               Public Sub MySub(MyUdt2 As MyUdtType)   ' It won't even let you compile this.
'                   Msgbox MyUdt2.l
'                   MyUdt2.l = 5
'               End Sub
'     Form2.MySub MyUdt1                                ' You'll never get this far.
'     Unload Form2
'     Msgbox MyUdt1.l
' The following is a way to get it done:
Dim MyUdt1 As MyUdtType         ' Declare a variable with a publicly defined UDT (no problem).
Dim ReturnUdtPtr As Long        ' Declare a variable for a return pointer.
MyUdt1.l = 3                    ' Give the variable of our UDT some value.
Form2.Show                      ' Create our other object.
' Now we're ready to call our procedure in the object.
' This is all we really wanted to do all along.
' Notice that the VarPtr of the UDT is passed and not the actual UDT.
' This allows us to circumvent the no passing of UDTs to objects.
ReturnUdtPtr = Form2.MyFunction(VarPtr(MyUdt1))
' If we don't want anything back, we could have just used a SUB procedure.
' However, I wanted to give an example of how to go both directions.
' All of this would be exactly the same even if we had started out in a module (BAS).
CopyMemory VarPtr(MyUdt1), ReturnUdtPtr, Len(MyUdt1)
' We can now kill our other object (Unload Form2).
' We probably shouldn't kill it until we've copied our UDT data
' because the lifetime of our UDT will be technically ended when we do.
Unload Form2                    ' Kill the other object.  We're done with it.
MsgBox MyUdt1.l                 ' Make sure we got the UDT data back.
End Sub

在窗口2(没有控件需要)。 (这可能很容易地被一个类创建的对象。):

    Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByVal dst As Long, ByVal src As Long, ByVal nBytes As Long)

Public Function MyFunction(ArgUdtPtr As Long) As Long
' Ok, this is how we get it done.
' There are a couple of things to notice right off the bat.
' First, the POINTER to the UDT is passed (using VarPtr) rather than the actual UDT.
' This way, we can circumvent the restriction of UDT not passed into objects.
' Second, the following MyUdt2 is declared as STATIC.
' This second point is important because the lifetime of MyUdt2 technically ends
' when we return from this function if it is just DIMmed.
' If we want to pass changes back to our caller, we will want to have a slightly longer lifetime.
Static MyUdt2 As MyUdtType
' Ok, we're here, so now we move the argument's UDT's data into our local UDT.
CopyMemory VarPtr(MyUdt2), ArgUdtPtr, Len(MyUdt2)
' Let's see if we got it.
MsgBox MyUdt2.l
' Now we might want to change it, and then pass back our changes.
MyUdt2.l = 5
' Once again, we pass back the pointer, because we can't get the actual UDT back.
' This is where the MyUdt2 being declared as Static becomes important.
MyFunction = VarPtr(MyUdt2)
End Function


    Option Explicit
' This is just the UDT that is used for the example.
Public Type MyUdtType
    l As Long
End Type

只要传递UDT作为参考的参数,它会工作。 :)

'method in the class

Public Sub CreateFile(ByRef udt1 As UdtTest)

End Sub

我有相同的错误消息,并检查该应用程序后,我发现,在该类的属性窗口中,“实例化”设置被设置为“1 - 专用”引用的对象。我把它改成了“5 - MultiUse的”,并得到了相同的错误消息。我后来当我补充说,引用对象并再次添加它的项目之前,又回到一个版本的项目模块的 - 它默认为“1 - 私人”。我改成了“5 - MultiUse的”做任何事情之前,并关闭了项目,它在编译之前更新。我重新打开的项目,验证它仍然设置为“5 - 的MultiUse”,然后被编译项目并将其没有错误消息干净地编译



Public Type TPVArticulo
    Referencia As String
    Descripcion As String
    PVP As Double
    Dto As Double
End Type


Friend Function GetArticulo() As TPVArticulo


Public Class Sample

    Public Strucutre UDT
       Dim Value As Object
    End Structure

End Class
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