My site uses SlidesJS for a photo slideshow.

My question is, how can I use keyboard navigation?

I've added this GitHub solution to my head tag (lines 94-116) but the keyboard's left & right arrow keys still aren't working.

How can I fix this?



I input the following code into the console window on chrome when on the SlidesJS site and it worked...

        var key = e.which | e.keyCode;
        if(key === 37){ // 37 is left arrow
        else if(key === 39){ // 39 is right arrow

Edited for compatibility with pages that don't normally use $ for jQuery.


You can bind the keyup events to the window context and fire the click event on the next and prev buttons based on event.keyCode

jQuery(window).bind("keyup", function(e){
    if(e.keyCode === 37) {
    } else if (e.keyCode === 39) {

There should be some code in there to change the thumbs but that's the basic functionality off the top of my head.

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