All articles (example) I read till now about regular expressions and NFAs explain three operations:

  • sequence
  • alternation (union)
  • repetition (Kleene star)

No one talks about negation. Is the negation not regular?


@RemcoGerlich What does it mean "swap the states". Can you explain it with the Kleene closure?

Kleene closure

How would the Kleene closure look with swapped states?



Yes; first, every non-deterministic finite automaton can be converted to a deterministic finite automaton that accepts the same language.

Now, just make all accepting states non-accepting and vice versa: this new DFA accepts a string exactly when the original DFA wouldn't, so its language is the complement of the orignal language.


An insight about my own question.

The reason why articles explaining the conversion of regular expression to NFAs do not explain negation seems to be a particular problem of NFAs, which make negation complicated. As RemcoGerlich explained the NFA must be converted to a DFA to negate it. But normally the regular expression first gets converted to a NFA and after that to a DFA.

I found a paper which describes how to avoid the creation of a NFA. Instead the regular expression is converted directly into a DFA by the use of derivatives: "Regular-expression derivatives reexamined". And this approach makes it quite easy to implement also negation.

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