I have an InstallData script below which works absolutely fine on Magento 2.2 but failed to install data on Magento 2.1

class InstallData implements \Magento\Framework\Setup\InstallDataInterface
public function install(
    \Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleDataSetupInterface $setup,
    \Magento\Framework\Setup\ModuleContextInterface $context
) {    
    $contextInstall = $context;
    $data = [];
    $statuses = [
        'data_one' => __('Data One'),
        'data_two' => __('Data Two'),
        'data_three' => __('Data Three'),                                   
    foreach ($statuses as $code => $info) {
        $data[] = ['status' => $code, 'label' => $info];
     if (!$setup->tableExists('table_name')) {
    $setup->getConnection()->insertArray($setup->getTable('table_name'), ['db_colum_one', 'db_column_two'], $data);


Can anyone help , if I am missing anything?



Problem is with your if condition.

if (!$setup->tableExists('table_name')) {

Your condition is checking if the table don't exits then run the query. if the table is created then it will not executed.I think that what happened. You solution will be change if the collection is empty then add records.


In order to execute InstallData.php, You must need to remove your module entry from setup_module table than execute

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Hope it will help you. !!

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