How to check if search query contain some characters? For example I would like to check if search query contain "/".

I tried this answer but it is not working for me. Just to say I am using custom search base.


where "myseachbase" is my custom search base. What I need is way to check if search query has "/", in some cases it is at the end of search query, for example:

How to check for that ending "/" in search URL?


Problem is that I have some custom URLs like:

They are practically search results, even visitor open them by clicking on link(s), not by using normal site search.

I need to make them indexable only if:

  • there are search results
  • it is first search results page, not for any other /page/x
  • search query has specific keyword(s)
  • search results are correct and usefull results
  • plus to add some quality content prepared by editor based on search keyword

After I have done that part, I have nice quality content, custom text based on search query + some images (images are search results) on URLs like:

but, if you add "/" at the you will get same page, but another URL, which will met conditions to be indexable too. So, I need way to put "noindex" tag in case if it is that duplicate URL, URL with "/" at the end, because I have no option to create canonicial URL. For that I need something to check for "/".



After the question's update, I think that you need to set the canonical URL:

add_action( 'wp_head', 'cyb_search_results_canonical_URL' );
function cyb_search_results_canonical_URL() {
    if( is_search() ) {
        $link = get_search_link();
        echo '<link rel="canonical" href="' . esc_url( $link ) . '">';

And your problem with duplicated content is fixed.


You'll need to hook onto the search query through pre_get_posts. The following snippet will search for / in the query.

function search_query($query){
    if (!is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() && is_search()){
        $search = $query->query_vars['s'];
        if (strpos('/', $search) !== false){
            // Found '/' in search query
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