


  • 首先,PayPal是否要求用户以网站付款标准注册重复计费?

  • 我计划使用Activemerchant,但发现一些博客说Activemerchant不支持PayPal的重复计费。这是真的?

  • 我找到了Railskits.com的SASS Rails套件,该套件表示,它支持PayPal的网站付款标准的经常性计费。如果我购买了此产品,该代码是否足够清楚,可以在我自己的网站中理解和实施,还是为入门网站而不是现有站点的包装交易?

  • 我在Activemerchant的重复计费方面找到了很多博客,但使用PayPal的Express Checkout。我在PayPal网站上阅读了有关Express Checkout的信息,但我仍然不太了解它是什么,以及它与网站付款标准有何不同。谁能简单地解释这一点?


**顺便说一下,在提出建议之前,我已经看了Ryan Bates的所有有关PayPal的PayPal屏幕截图,这些屏幕截图非常适合基础知识或在购物车中购买商品,但我不明白它应该如何与重复的计费一起使用。另外,似乎他跳过了视频中的一些重要步骤(例如,PayPal文档说您的应用程序收到IPN后,您需要将接收的确认确认给PayPal,但Ryan在他的屏幕上不这样做)。我只是想让所有这一切!



Express Checkout与网站付款标准相同。这是将客户重定向到PayPal以收集其付款信息的方法。只需创建一个直接发布贝宝的表单即可,您可以选择使用IPN来获取有关交易的信息。还有一个用于付款标准的API,可让您在幕后使用PayPal设置交易,然后将客户重定向到PayPal,然后通过API查询PayPal,以了解有关刚刚完成的交易的详细信息。 SaaS Rails套件(我是IT的作者)使用此API。

网站Payments Pro是PayPal的产品,可让您在网站上收集付款信息,并通过其API传递该信息。然后,您通过API获取有关交易的信息。客户永远不会离开您的网站。 PayPal的TOS要求您即使您提供付款专业人士,也需要提供明确的结帐。付款专业人士费用$ 30 / mo。 (我记得),并要求您填写专业帐户的申请。






我找到了Railskits.com的SASS Rails套件,该套件表示,它支持PayPal的网站付款标准的经常性计费。如果我购买了此产品,该代码是否足够清楚,可以在我自己的网站中理解和实施,还是为入门网站而不是现有站点的包装交易?

当然,这可能更清楚,但是如果我记得,他们在八月开始写解决方案时使用了参考交易来进行“假”重复计费。至于现有站点,您可能必须将其验证为现有应用程序,或者围绕它创建。 TBH,$ 2XX的价格标签让我感到恐惧。

我在Activemerchant的重复计费方面找到了很多博客,但使用PayPal的Express Checkout。我在PayPal网站上阅读了有关Express Checkout的信息,但我仍然不太了解它是什么,以及它与网站付款标准有何不同。谁能简单地解释这一点?

PayPal Express要求您拥有自己的商家帐户。商户帐户是您的资金最终的地方,并且是客户的银行帐户唯一可以轻松地与您的银行帐户交谈的唯一一个。



我们还开发了一个基于订阅的网站,这看起来很有趣 - http://chargify.com/. 。可以节省大量的编码时间。

如果我们正在讨论如何使用Ruby在Rails /Activemerchant环境上进行订阅,我不确定为什么没有人提出 免费增值, ,这是一个专注于订阅的Activemerchant的姐妹项目。

I use the SaaS Railskit, and Highly recommend it. The code is clean, commented and legible. It can be dropped in to an existing app, with minimal tweaking, or used as the foundation for a new app. I suppose it work fine if you just wanted to use it as a reference, or stand-alone payment processing app.

Hope that helps!

One other potential option is to hit one of the other recurring billing capable gateways like Authorize.net or BrainTree. I don't normally suggest Authorize.net because of their slightly gimpy development process (you have to request a test account if you want to do continual testing which takes about 2 days) but I've done integrations with them on several sites and it works reasonably well. Though they do have the same inane policy as PayPal of naming 19 products which all seem to do what you need but don't in reality.

The only bonus to this is that people don't have to be PayPal members in order to do the payment and I believe Authorize.net has lower fees but that may have just been our accounts; our sales guy was a killer negotiator.

active_merchant and the SaaS Railskit both support Authorize.net and BrainTree.

I wouldn't recommend buying the Railskit just to look at quality code that uses active_merchant though, I'm certain there are other places that you can look for free. Railskits are really designed to be used as a base and it's almost guaranteed to have a different set of assumptions about setup than you had planned on so if you've made it anywhere on your project merging the two would almost certainly be a pain. On the other hand, if you're still just starting the site the Railskit might well be a great way to start over with a really sane environment.

If you're using Paypal subscriptions then you will probably need a Paypal business account. Nothing scary it's just a case of supplying a business name to paypal and requesting your existing account to be converted over.

I also looked through a few Paypal subscrition solutions for rails and eventually just created my own.

I've written it up here Adding PayPal subscriptions to your Rails App with 1 Controller.

Question: First, does Paypal require a user to register for recurring billing with Website Payment Standard? Yes, I believe so. Paypal wants the user to be able to cancel the payments as needed.

Question: I planned to use ActiveMerchant but I found some blogs that says ActiveMerchant doesn't support recurring billing from Paypal. is this true? That's what I see, too. You can implement it through the Paypal SOAP interface, though. It's not too tough.

shameless plug:

I went through all the docs for Paypal and pulled out the good stuff for implementing standard and soap-based methods. You can find it for $8.50 on pragprog.com

/shameless plug:

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