It's a bidirectional D9 site where I removed dir=rtl from my theme's html.html.twig with an if statement and it's working fine. I did that to avoid an MS browsers bug ignoring position: sticky in css if there was any dir="rtl" in either html or body tags. I did so in html.html.twig with this code:

{% if html_attributes['dir'] == 'rtl' %}
  <html{{ html_attributes|without('dir') }}>
{% elseif html_attributes['dir'] == 'ltr' %}
  <html{{ html_attributes }}>
{% endif %}

So now, when the site is in English (or any LTR lang) the html tag has a dir="ltr" attribute in it but none if the dir is rtl. That's working well.

I added the dir attribute to page.html.twig #page-warpper like this:

{% apply spaceless %}
{% if html_attributes['dir'] == 'ltr' %}
  <div id="page-wrapper" dir="ltr"> 
{% else %}
  <div id="page-wrapper" dir="rtl"> 
{% endif %}
{% endapply %}  
  <div id="page"> ......

This isn't working. Only the rtl direction is applied to the #page-wrapper regardless of the site's direction/ language. I added the spaceless filter later as I thought it might be an indentation issue but no change still.

I also tried this but not working either:

{% if html_attributes['dir'] %}
  <div id="page-wrapper" dir="ltr"> 
{% else %}
  <div id="page-wrapper" dir="rtl"> 
{% endif %}

Thank you for any views. And sure, I did drush cr after each twig edit.



The variable html_attributes is not available in a page template. To make it available copy this code from template_preprocess_html() to your page preprocess hook:

use Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute;

 * Implements hook_preprocess_page().
function mytheme_preprocess_page(&$variables) {

  $variables['html_attributes'] = new Attribute();
  $language_interface = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage();
  $variables['html_attributes']['lang'] = $language_interface->getId();
  $variables['html_attributes']['dir'] = $language_interface->getDirection();

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