Preconditions (*)

  1. Magento 2.3.1 upgraded from Magento 2.3.0
  2. Php 7.2.15
  3. OS : Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic
  4. Phpstorm 2019.1.1
  5. Evnironemnt : Magento development

Steps to reproduce (*)

  • Issue appears after upgrading magento from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1.
  • Removing magento/magento2-functional-testing-framework
  • installing latest magento/magento2-functional-testing-framework:~2.3.13
  • Running below commands.

bin/magento dev:tests:run unit


vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -c dev/tests/unit/phpunit.xml.dist

These commands should run unit test on entire magento project not just on one mdoule.

NOPTE: Above commands will work if version 2.3.0 is installed directly and also for 2.3.1 if installed directly.



Install following package as follows since 2.3.0 didn't came with allure-phpunit.

This issue is related with following issue

Fatal error: Class 'Codeception\Platform\Extension' not found. Issue occurred after magento 2.3.0 upgrade to 2.3.1

So in order for upgraded 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 magento to work install following.

composer require allure-framework/allure-phpunit:~1.2.0 --dev

Then run

bin/magento dev:tests:run unit
许可以下: CC-BY-SA归因
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