There are several errors when I'm trying to install an extension (Slider Banner Module) for the first time. The picture below shows the error in the readiness check. I'm using GoDaddy > C-Panel > Magento 2.3.1 on Windows 10 with PHP version 7.2

Readiness Check Failure 1) For the Check Cron Scripts errors, I am able to solve it by manually change

$setupCheck = $this->cronScriptReadinessCheck->checkSetup();

$updaterCheck = $this->cronScriptReadinessCheck->checkUpdater();


$setupCheck = ['success' => 1];

$updaterCheck = ['success' => 1];

I'm not sure if that is the correct way to fix it since there are no .setup_cronjob_status and .update_cronjob_status files in var.

2) For the Dependency error, I have tried to remove "require-dev": in composer.json file but the error still persist.

3) For the PHP Settings Check error, I tried to change the memory limit in .user.ini and .htaccess from memory_limit = 756M to memory_limit = 2G, however, the C-Panel > PHP Selector > Options > Memory_limit still stays at 756M. PHP Memory Limit

4) PHP Extensions Checks is as the picture below (Default Value) PHP Extensions



  1. Access shell of your hosting
  2. Go to your project directory
  3. Execute this command inside your magento directory:
    php bin/magento cron:install

  4. After installation of cron, set directory permissions by executing these commands
    chmod -R 776 var/ chmod -R 776 pub/ chmod -R 776 generated/ chmod -R 776 vendor/

  5. Check .htaccess of your magento directory and pub directory. See if it has php_value memory_limit value set, If it isn't then set it to php_value memory_limit 2G or if it is already there then make sure it is set to 1G (Take backup of your .htaccess first :) )

  6. Also check max_execution_time it should also set to 120 or more

  7. If above steps didn't work for you then, set file permission to 777 from your godaddy cpanel on the directories that I have listed

Check readiness test after this.


I have faced same issue and fixed to set cron and permission

For your problem if you are setup cron correctly there must be two files generated in var directory called .setup_cronjob_status and .update_cronjob_status if this two files are generated you are ready to run websetup wizard. Also check the permission of both generated file is correct or not.

Refer bellow link for further information.

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