When I visit Django /admin via a Rewritten URL I am redirected to rather than the correct url

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8201858

I haven't used Apache with Django very much, normally using nginx, gunicorn and a unix socket instead.

When experimenting with Apache, mod_proxy and Django, I've been trying to pass all requests to a gunicorn backend, listening on

I've achieved this using a Rewrite ... [P] (see below), however, this works fine for the default URL, when I go to http://foo.bar.com/admin I get redirected to, which clearly doesn't work remotely. Is this a setup possible to achieve via an htaccess file, and what do I need to do/look at to fix it up?


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule     (.*) http://localhost:8998/$1 [P]




Is it working with http://localhost and http://localhost/ ?

try this:

RewriteRule     ^/(.*) http://localhost:8998/$1 [P]

I have recently researched what you are trying to achive and ended up with this:

ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all
ProxyPass        /static/ http://example.com:8080/static/
ProxyPassReverse /static/ http://example.com:8080/static/

I am passing all static path requests to nginx in this case, but it may work with gunicorn for you.

Of course, you need to enable apache2 module proxy.

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