我想写使用其Web服务接口贤者CRM Python的消费者。我使用SOAPpy的像Python SOAP库(没结婚吧,很容易安装在Ubuntu所以就跟着它)。


from SOAPpy import *
proxy = WSDL.Proxy('')


SOAPpy.Types.structType result at 151924492: {'sessionid': '170911104429792'}


Fault SOAP-ENV:Server: No active usersession detected



SID = binding.logon("admin", ""); 
binding.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader(); 
binding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = SID.sessionid;





首先,只是对SOAPpy的与其他SOAP库评论... SOAPpy的传统一直是易于使用的库,不支持复杂的数据结构。所以,如果它适合你的话,那么你最好。对于在WSDL更复杂的数据结构,你需要移动ZSI。



SOAPpy的具有报头类来保存数据为SOAP消息的报头。 每个标题实例有方法来设置/获取mustUnderstand属性,和 方法来设置/获取演员属性。

SOAPpy的也有一个SOAPContext类,使得每个服务器的方法可以是 在它获得连接的客户端的情况下这样的方式来实现。 这既包括普通SOAP信息和连接信息(见 下面的例子)。


import SOAPpy
test = 42
server = SOAPpy.SOAPProxy("http://localhost:8888")
server = server._sa ("urn:soapinterop")

hd = SOAPpy.Header()
hd.InteropTestHeader ='This should fault, as you don\'t understand the header.'
hd._setMustUnderstand ('InteropTestHeader', 0)
hd._setActor ('InteropTestHeader','http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next')
server = server._hd (hd)

print server.echoInteger (test)

此应该成功(提供的服务器已经定义echoInteger),因为它 建立一个有效的报头插入到该客户端用的mustUnderstand设置为0 然后发送SOAP与此头。

import SOAPpy
test = 42
server = SOAPpy.SOAPProxy("http://localhost:8888")
server = server._sa ("urn:soapinterop")
hd = SOAPpy.Header()
hd.InteropTestHeader = 'This should fault,as you don\'t understand the header.'
hd._setMustUnderstand ('InteropTestHeader', 1)
hd._setActor ('InteropTestHeader','http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next')
server = server._hd (hd)

print server.echoInteger (test)

此应该失败(即使该服务器已定义的“echoInteger”),因为它 建立一个有效的报头插入到该客户端,但设置的mustUnderstand 1 对于服务器想必不会在发送之前了解的消息。




# pySage.py
# Author: BuvinJ
# Created: December, 2015
# This module defines the SageProcess class.
# This class handles connecting and disconnecting
# to Sage web services, and provides an object
# through which the web services can be accessed.

# Download SOAPpy from: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/SOAPpy
from SOAPpy import WSDL, Types as soapTypes

from enum import Enum
SageSubsystem = Enum( 'SageSubsystem', 'CRM' )

# Define your sub system connection parameters here.
CRM_WSDL_FILE_URL = "http://CRMservername/CRMinstallname/eWare.dll/webservice/webservice.wsdl"    
CRM_USER          = "admin"
CRM_PASSWORD      = ""
CRM_NAMESPACE     = "http://tempuri.org/type"

# SageProcess Class

# To use this class:
# 1) Create a SageProcess subclass and define the method 
#    body(). 
# 2) Instanitate an instance of the subclass, passing a
#    SageSubsystem enumeration, e.g. SageSubsystem.CRM.
# 3) Invoke the run() method of the process instance.
#    This will in turn invoke body() to execute your 
#    custom actions.
# To access the sage web services, use the "sage" member of 
# a SageProcess instance. For help using Sage web service
# objects see: 
# https://community.sagecrm.com/developerhelp/default.htm
# You may also invoke the sageHelp() method of a SageProcess 
# instance to view the top level web service object members. 
# Or, recordHelp( sageRecord ) to view the members of the 
# various record objects returned by the web services.
class SageProcess():

    # Construction & service connection methods

    def __init__( self, subsystem, verbose=False ):
        @param subsystem: The Sage subsystem on which to run the process. Ex. SageSubsystem.CRM
        @param verbose: If True, details of the SOAP exchange are displayed.
        self.subsystem = subsystem
        self.verbose = verbose        
        if self.subsystem == SageSubsystem.CRM :
            self.wsdl      = CRM_WSDL_FILE_URL
            self.namespace = CRM_NAMESPACE
            self.username  = CRM_USER
            self.password  = CRM_PASSWORD
        else :
            self.abort( "Unknown subsystem specified!" )   
        self.sessionId = None                    

    def connect( self ) :               
        try :
            self.sage = WSDL.Proxy( self.wsdl, namespace=self.namespace )            
        except :
            self.abort( "WSDL failure. This is may be caused by access settings. File url: " + CRM_WSDL_FILE_URL )                
        if self.verbose : "Connected to web service."
        self.soapProxy = self.sage.soapproxy        
        if self.verbose : self.sageDebug()

    # Core process methods

    def run( self ) :        
        if not self.logOn( self.username, self.password ) : 
            self.abort( "Log On failed!" )    
        else :
            if self.verbose : 
                print "Logged On. Session Id: " + str( self.sessionId )            
        if self.logOff() : 
            if self.verbose : print "Logged Off."

    def logOn( self, username, password ) : 
        try : self.sessionId = self.sage.logon( username, password ).sessionid
        except Exception as e: 
            self.abortOnException( "Log On failure.\n(You may need to enable forced logins.)", e )
        return (self.sessionId is not None)

    def appendSessionHeader( self ) : 
        self.soapProxy = self.soapProxy._sa( "urn:sessionid" )
        soapHeader = soapTypes.headerType()
        soapHeader.SessionHeader = soapTypes.structType( None, "SessionHeader" )
        soapHeader.SessionHeader.sessionId = soapTypes.stringType( self.sessionId )
        self.soapProxy = self.soapProxy._hd( soapHeader )
        self.sage.soapproxy = self.soapProxy

    def body( self ) : 
        You should override this method when you subclass SageProcess. 
        It will be called after logging on, and will be followed by logging off.
        Use self.sage to access the system from within this method.

    def logOff( self ) : 
        success = False
        try : success = self.sage.logoff( self.sessionId )
        except Exception as e: self.abortOnException( "Log off failure.", e )   
        return success

    # Helper methods

    # Immediately exit the program with an indication of success
    def quit( self, msg=None ) :
        if msg is not None: print msg
        import os
        os._exit( 0 )      

    # Immediately exit the program with an error
    def abort( self, msg=None, errorCode=1 ) :        
        if msg is not None: print msg
        print "Process terminated..."
        import os
        os._exit( errorCode )      

    # Immediately exit the program with an Exception error
    def abortOnException( self, e, msg=None, errorCode=1 ) :
        if msg is not None: print msg
        print ""
        print e 
        print ""
        self.abort( None, errorCode )      

    def sageDebug( self, enable=True ) : 
        if enable : self.soapProxy.config.debug = 1
        else :      self.soapProxy.config.debug = 0       

    def sageHelp( self ) : 
        print "\nSage web service methods:\n"        

    def recordHelp( self, record, typeDescr=None ) :         
        if record is None : return
        print ""        
        description = "record object members:\n"
        if typeDescr is not None : 
            description = typeDescr + " " + description
        print description
        print dir( record )
        print ""


#  fetch_company_data_example.py

from pySage import SageProcess, SageSubsystem

def main() :

    # Get process parameters from the command line
    import sys
    try :
        companyId = sys.argv[1]
    except : 
        abort( "Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " companyId [-v] [--verbose]" )       
    verbose = False
    try :
        if ( sys.argv[2] == "-v" or 
             sys.argv[2] == "--verbose" ) :
            verbose = True
    except : pass

    # Create & run the custom Sage process
    process = FetchCompanyDataProcess( companyId, verbose )

class FetchCompanyDataProcess( SageProcess ):

    def __init__( self, companyId, verbose ):
        SageProcess.__init__( self, SageSubsystem.CRM, verbose )
        self.companyId = companyId

    def body( self ):   

        # Fetch the company record (exiting if no data is returned)
        companyRecord = self.getCompanyRecord()
        if companyRecord is None: self.quit( "\nNo records found.\n" )                

        # Uncomment for development help...
        #if self.verbose : self.recordHelp( companyRecord, "Company" )        
        #if self.verbose : self.recordHelp( companyRecord.address.records, "Address" )        

        # Print some of the company info 
        print "" 
        print "Company Id: " + self.companyId
        print "Name: " + companyRecord.name
        print "Location: " + self.getCompanyLocation( companyRecord )
        print ""

    def getCompanyRecord( self ) :     
        try : 
            queryentity = self.sage.queryentity( self.companyId, "company" )
        except Exception as e: 
            self.abortOnException( "Get Company Record failure.", e )
        try : return queryentity.records
        except : return None 

    def getCompanyLocation( self, companyRecord ) :     
        try : 
            return (companyRecord.address.records.city + ", " +
        except : return ""

# Entry point        
if __name__ == '__main__' : main()
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