How to set the data in the extension attribute which i created and how to create more the one extension attribute in single module. My Following code is in below link.

URL : My Following code structure

Thanks in Advance :)



Let's assume that you have three fields then you to add like at


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- File: app/code/Sm/OrderFeedback/etc/extension_attributes.xml -->
<config xmlns:xsi=""
    <extension_attributes for="Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface">
        <attribute code="customer_feedback" type="string" />
        <attribute code="customfieldone" type="string" /> <!--assume that field type string-->
        <attribute code="customfieldtwo" type="int" /> <!--assume that field type integer-->

Add customfieldone,customfieldtwo to Sm\OrderFeedback\Plugin\OrderRepositoryPlugin.php for save using before plugin on Magento\Sales\Api\OrderRepositoryInterface:save.

/* File: app/code/Sm/OrderFeedback/Plugin/OrderRepositoryPlugin.php */

namespace Sm\OrderFeedback\Plugin;

use Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderExtensionFactory;
use Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderExtensionInterface;
use Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface;
use Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderSearchResultInterface;
use Magento\Sales\Api\OrderRepositoryInterface;

 * Class OrderRepositoryPlugin
class OrderRepositoryPlugin
     * Order feedback field name
    const FIELD_NAME = 'customer_feedback';

     * Order Extension Attributes Factory
     * @var OrderExtensionFactory
    protected $extensionFactory;

     * OrderRepositoryPlugin constructor
     * @param OrderExtensionFactory $extensionFactory
    public function __construct(OrderExtensionFactory $extensionFactory)
        $this->extensionFactory = $extensionFactory;

     * Add "customer_feedback" extension attribute to order data object to make it accessible in API data
     * @param OrderRepositoryInterface $subject
     * @param OrderInterface $order
     * @return OrderInterface
    public function afterGet(OrderRepositoryInterface $subject, OrderInterface $order)
        $customerFeedback = $order->getData(self::FIELD_NAME);
        $extensionAttributes = $order->getExtensionAttributes();
        $extensionAttributes = $extensionAttributes ? $extensionAttributes : $this->extensionFactory->create();

        return $order;

     * Add "customer_feedback" extension attribute to order data object to make it accessible in API data
     * @param OrderRepositoryInterface $subject
     * @param OrderSearchResultInterface $searchResult
     * @return OrderSearchResultInterface
    public function afterGetList(OrderRepositoryInterface $subject, OrderSearchResultInterface $searchResult)
        $orders = $searchResult->getItems();

        foreach ($orders as $order) {
            $customerFeedback = $order->getData(self::FIELD_NAME);
            $extensionAttributes = $order->getExtensionAttributes();
            $extensionAttributes = $extensionAttributes ? $extensionAttributes : $this->extensionFactory->create();

        return $searchResult;

    /** save fields**/
    public function beforeSave(
      OrderRepositoryInterface $subject,  
      OrderInterface $order
         $extensionAttributes = $order->getExtensionAttributes();

         if($extensionAttributes !== null){
            $customfieldOne =$order->getExtensionAttributes()->getCustomfieldone();
            $customfieldtwo =$order->getExtensionAttributes()->getCustomfieldtwo();
            if($customfieldOne !== null) {
            if($customfieldtwo !== null) {
         return $order;

If you set custom field value using setter function $order->setData('fieldName',$Fieldvalue) on beforeSave() plugin method to order object and Resource mode automatically save to sale_order table like $order->setData('customfieldtwo',$customfieldtwo);

To better understand how extension attribute will implement on Magento 2 ,checkout the blog

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