I created my website using a custom theme, how to implement ajax to my add-to-cart and wishlist button?

I tried the following step, it not working,

vendor\magento\module-catalog\view\frontend\templates\product\view\addtocart.phtml (For testing purpose added in core files)

<script type="text/x-magento-init">
        "#product_addtocart_form": {
            "Magento_Catalog/js/validate-product": {},
            "catalogAddToCart": {
                "bindSubmit": true


@zus I would suggest to review the below post where you can get your question answer easily. Here you will find an extension option as well as a customization option. But I would suggest to go with the extension option.

Magento 2 : Add to compare and add to wishlist with ajax


Please let me know if this will not help.

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