如何使用 Objective-C 检查 Cocoa 中是否存在文件夹(目录)?



使用 NSFileManagerfileExistsAtPath:isDirectory: 方法。请参阅苹果的文档 这里.


Apple 在 NSFileManager.h 中提供了一些关于检查文件系统的好建议:


[NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath:isDirectory:]

Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a specified file exists.

- (BOOL)fileExistsAtPath:(NSString *)path isDirectory:(BOOL *)isDirectory

The path of a file or directory. If path begins with a tilde (~), it must first be expanded with stringByExpandingTildeInPath, or this method will return NO.

Upon return, contains YES if path is a directory or if the final path element is a symbolic link that points to a directory, otherwise contains NO. If path doesn’t exist, the return value is undefined. Pass NULL if you do not need this information.

Return Value
YES if there is a file or directory at path, otherwise NO. If path specifies a symbolic link, this method traverses the link and returns YES or NO based on the existence of the file or directory at the link destination.

NSFileManager 是寻找文件相关 API 的最佳位置。您需要的具体 API 是 - fileExistsAtPath:isDirectory:.


NSString *pathToFile = @"...";
BOOL isDir = NO;
BOOL isFile = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:pathToFile isDirectory:&isDir];

    //it is a file, process it here how ever you like, check isDir to see if its a directory 
    //not a file, this is an error, handle it!

如果你有一个 NSURL 对象为 path, ,最好使用路径将其转换为 NSString.

NSFileManager*fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

NSURL* path = [[[fm URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory 
                           inDomains:NSUserDomainMask] objectAtIndex:0]                           

NSError *theError = nil;
if(![fm fileExistsAtPath:[path path]]){
    NSLog(@"dir doesn't exists");
    NSLog(@"dir exists");
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