Given script X Y and Z how would I get the list in PHP of X Y Z and their dependencies?

I need to load several scripts that have dependencies.

Normally I would do this via wp_enqueue_script but in this situation I need to load these scripts in a shadow DOM for a webcomponent, and cannot rely on wp_head and wp_footer, I have to construct the DOM elements myself in JS. This is so that the contents of the component are isolated from the rest of the page for styling purposes.



wp_enqueue_script() and wp_enqueue_style() both use WP_Dependencies::add() which initializes a new instance of _WP_Dependency (see wp_scripts() and wp_styles()), so all the script's dependencies are stored in the deps property of the class instance.

However, that property only stores the handle names of the script's dependencies, e.g. jquery-migrate and jquery-core for the default/core jQuery script (handle name: jquery), so to get the actual URL of a dependency file (script/stylesheet), we would need to use WP_Dependencies::all_deps() and then loop through WP_Dependencies::$to_do to get the dependency's src value:

// Enqueue a script:
wp_enqueue_script( 'my-script', '/path/to/file.js', [ 'jquery' ] );

// Get all its dependencies:
wp_scripts()->all_deps( 'my-script' );
foreach ( wp_scripts()->to_do as $handle ) {
    $dep = wp_scripts()->registered[ $handle ];
    var_dump( $dep->handle, $dep->src );
    // or do something with $dep->src ...

// Enqueue a style:
wp_enqueue_style( 'my-style', '/path/to/file.css', [ 'foo-dep' ] );

// Get all its dependencies:
wp_styles()->all_deps( 'my-style' );
foreach ( wp_styles()->to_do as $handle ) {
    $dep = wp_styles()->registered[ $handle ];
    var_dump( $dep->handle, $dep->src );
    // or do something with $dep->src ...

Note that the $dep->src can be a false if the dependency contains a dependency, e.g. the default jquery handle which has jquery-migrate as a dependency. (But don't worry, the dependencies will be in the to_do array.) And secondly, the to_do array also includes the actual file, e.g. file.js in the above example.

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