I have a question similar to How to manage object life time using Boost library smart pointers? but, in my case, the "object" isn't a C++ object at all, but an opaque type returned/passed out from a C API. The type does not have pointer semantics, i.e., there is no dereferencing; it is, however, passed as an argument to other functions in the C API. The type also has a definitive close API which must be called in order to clean up internal resources.

So, I have a C API that's something along the lines of

opaque_legacy_type_t x;
XXopen(..., &x); // allocates/opens resource and fills out 'x' to be used later
XXdoSomethingWithResource(x, ...); // do something with resources related to 'x'
...more actions...
XXclose(x); // closes and cleans up resources related to 'x'

For various reasons, in my C++ code I would like to manage "instances" of opaque_legacy_type_t much like I would manage heap-allocated object instances, i.e. with similar sharing semantics as boost::shared_ptr<>. It seems that shared_ptr offers enough that I can manage calling XXclose by doing this:

opaque_legacy_type_t x;
XXopen(..., &x);
boost::shared_ptr<opaque_legacy_type_t> managed(x, XXclose);

But, since opaque_legacy_type_t doesn't have pointer semantics, the usage of managed is a bit clumsy.

What I'd like to do is have something like a managed_type that is similar to shared_ptr, and am looking for ideas that don't require me to write it all.

EDIT: I corrected my original screw-up in the example. The legacy API takes the opaque type by value rather than by pointer.



You could use boost smart pointers together with the pimpl idom:

class shared_opaque_legacy_type_t {
    struct impl {
        opaque_legacy_type_t t;
        impl(...) { XXOpen(..., t); }
        ~impl(...) { XXClose(t); }
    boost::shared_ptr<impl> _impl;
    shared_opaque_lagacy_type_t(...) : _impl(new impl(...)) {}

    opaque_legacy_type_t* get() {
        return _impl->t;

shared_opaque_legacy_type_t x(...);
XXdoSomethingWithResource(x.get(), ...);

The drawback is that you could still call XXclose(x.get()) and invalidate your object.

UPDATE: Fixed it. :-)


Since all of the legacy API take a pointer to the opaque type, you could use shared pointers directly. The key is for you to not declare the original structure on the stack, but rather allocate it via new:

int main () {
    std::shared_ptr<opaque_legacy_type_t> x(new opaque_legacy_type_t,
        [](opaqeue_legacy_type_t* p) { XXClose(p); delete p; });
    XXopen(..., x.get());
    XXdoSomethingWithResource(x.get(), ...);

EDIT: If some API take the opaque type by value instead of pointer, then pass the dereferenced pointer.

int main () {
    std::shared_ptr<opaque_legacy_type_t> x(new opaque_legacy_type_t,
        [](opaqeue_legacy_type_t* p) { XXClose(*p); delete p; });
    XXopen(..., x.get());
    XXdoSomethingWithResource(*x, ...);

You could write a wrapper to use with boost that will call the open() in the ctor and the close() in the dtor.

I voted for Rob's answer that just uses a shared_ptr with no wrapper, but if you really want to avoid dynamic allocation here's a simple little example of how to do that.

It's a template that directly holds the handle and does no allocation. You pass the constructor a functor that creates an object of the opaque type, and a deleter to call when the type needs to be destroyed. It's movable and non-copyable so now shared reference count is needed. It implements implicit conversion operators so you can use it where you'd use a value of the held type.

template<typename T,typename D>
class opaque_type_handle {
    T handle;
    D deleter;
    bool needs_delete;
    template<typename F>
    opaque_type_handle(F f,D d) : handle(f()), deleter(d), needs_delete(true) {}

    opaque_type_handle(opaque_type_handle const &) = delete;
    opaque_type_handle &operator=(opaque_type_handle const &) = delete;

    opaque_type_handle(opaque_type_handle &&rhs) : handle(rhs.handle),deleter(rhs.deleter),needs_delete(true) {
        rhs.needs_delete = false;
    opaque_type_handle &operator=(opaque_type_handle &&rhs) {
        handle = rhs.handle;
        deleter = rhs.deleter;
        needs_delete = true;
        rhs.needs_delete = false;
        returh *this;

    ~opaque_type_handle() {
        if(needs_delete) {

    operator T&() { return handle; }
    operator T() const { return handle; }

Use it like so:

// wrap up the code for creating an opaque_legacy_type_t handle
typedef opaque_type_handle<opaque_legacy_type_t,decltype(&XXclose)> legacy_handle;

legacy_handle make_legacy_handle(...) {
    return legacy_handle(
            opaque_legacy_type_t tmp;
            XXopen(..., &tmp);
            return tmp;

legacy_handle x = make_legacy_handle(...);
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