I have this code and its only returning the first string [0] and errors on the rest of them saying the index is out of the array which means only 1 row is getting pulled BUT I DON'T KNOW WHY!!!

MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(MyConString);
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT email_address FROM account_info", connection);
MySqlDataReader reader;


    reader = command.ExecuteReader();
     if (reader.HasRows)
        while (reader.Read())
            textBox1.Text = reader[0].ToString();

            textBox2.Text = reader[0].ToString();

            textBox3.Text = reader[0].ToString();



You're only getting one row because you're only calling reader.Read() once. Each time you call Read(), the reader advances to the next row and returns true; or, when the reader advances past the last row, it returns false.

The indexer returns data from additional columns, and you have only one column in your query; that's why index 1 and 2 are failing.


IF you're trying to loop through the reader, you need to put your three textboxes in a structure where they can be looped through as well. Simpler, but less flexible, but correct:

if (reader.HasRows) 
    textBox1.Text = reader[0].ToString(); 
    textBox2.Text = reader[0].ToString(); 
    textBox3.Text = reader[0].ToString(); 

more flexible:

List<TextBox> boxes = new List<TextBox> { textBox1, textBox2, textBox3 };
for (int index = 0; index < boxes.Count; index++)
    if (!reader.Read())
        break;  // in case there are fewer rows than text boxes
    boxes[index] = reader[0].ToString();


reader[0] accesses the first field from the reader, not the first row. Check out the sample code from MSDN.

// Call Read before accessing data.
while (reader.Read())
    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}, {1}",
            reader[0], reader[1]));

This writes out the first and second columns of each row.

Also, I'm not really sure why you're not using a using statement, and why you're calling ExecuteReader in the finally block - those both look odd.

Here's the basics of what I do, replace the string EmailAddress part with whatever you need:

        using (SqlConnection SQL_Conn01 = new SqlConnection(SQLSync))
            bool IsConnected = false;
                IsConnected = true;
                // unable to connect
            if (IsConnected)

                SqlCommand GetSQL = new SqlCommand("SELECT email_address FROM account_info", SQL_Conn01);

                using (SqlDataReader Reader = GetSQL.ExecuteReader())
                    while (Reader.Read())
                        string EmailAddress = Reader.GetString(0).TrimEnd();
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