
import re
import sys

class Token(object):
    """ A simple Token structure.
        Contains the token type, value and position. 
    def __init__(self, type, val, pos):
        self.type = type
        self.val = val
        self.pos = pos

    def __str__(self):
        return '%s(%s) at %s' % (self.type, self.val, self.pos)

class LexerError(Exception):
    """ Lexer error exception.

            Position in the input line where the error occurred.
    def __init__(self, pos):
        self.pos = pos

class Lexer(object):
    """ A simple regex-based lexer/tokenizer.

        See below for an example of usage.
    def __init__(self, rules, skip_whitespace=True):
        """ Create a lexer.

                A list of rules. Each rule is a `regex, type`
                pair, where `regex` is the regular expression used
                to recognize the token and `type` is the type
                of the token to return when it's recognized.

                If True, whitespace (\s+) will be skipped and not
                reported by the lexer. Otherwise, you have to 
                specify your rules for whitespace, or it will be
                flagged as an error.
        self.rules = []

        for regex, type in rules:
            self.rules.append((re.compile(regex), type))

        self.skip_whitespace = skip_whitespace
        self.re_ws_skip = re.compile('\S')

    def input(self, buf):
        """ Initialize the lexer with a buffer as input.
        self.buf = buf
        self.pos = 0

    def token(self):
        """ Return the next token (a Token object) found in the 
            input buffer. None is returned if the end of the 
            buffer was reached. 
            In case of a lexing error (the current chunk of the
            buffer matches no rule), a LexerError is raised with
            the position of the error.
        if self.pos >= len(self.buf):
            return None
            if self.skip_whitespace:
                m = self.re_ws_skip.search(self.buf[self.pos:])

                if m:
                    self.pos += m.start()
                    return None

            for token_regex, token_type in self.rules:
                m = token_regex.match(self.buf[self.pos:])

                if m:
                    value = self.buf[self.pos + m.start():self.pos + m.end()]
                    tok = Token(token_type, value, self.pos)
                    self.pos += m.end()
                    return tok

            # if we're here, no rule matched
            raise LexerError(self.pos)

    def tokens(self):
        """ Returns an iterator to the tokens found in the buffer.
        while 1:
            tok = self.token()
            if tok is None: break
            yield tok

if __name__ == '__main__':
    rules = [
        ('\d+',             'NUMBER'),
        ('[a-zA-Z_]\w+',    'IDENTIFIER'),
        ('\+',              'PLUS'),
        ('\-',              'MINUS'),
        ('\*',              'MULTIPLY'),
        ('\/',              'DIVIDE'),
        ('\(',              'LP'),
        ('\)',              'RP'),
        ('=',               'EQUALS'),

    lx = Lexer(rules, skip_whitespace=True)
    lx.input('erw = _abc + 12*(R4-623902)  ')

        for tok in lx.tokens():
            print tok
    except LexerError, err:
        print 'LexerError at position', err.pos





您可以使用<!>“; <!>”将所有正则表达式合并为一个运算符,让正则表达式库执行标记之间的辨别工作。应该注意确保令牌的首选项(例如,避免将关键字作为标识符进行匹配)。



import re

scanner = re.Scanner([
    (r"-?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+([eE]-?[0-9]+)?", lambda scanner, token: float(token)),
    (r"-?[0-9]+", lambda scanner, token: int(token)),
    (r" +", lambda scanner, token: None),

>>> scanner.scan("0 -1 4.5 7.8e3")[0]
[0, -1, 4.5, 7800.0]


import collections
import re

Token = collections.namedtuple('Token', ['typ', 'value', 'line', 'column'])

def tokenize(s):
    keywords = {'IF', 'THEN', 'ENDIF', 'FOR', 'NEXT', 'GOSUB', 'RETURN'}
    token_specification = [
        ('NUMBER',  r'\d+(\.\d*)?'), # Integer or decimal number
        ('ASSIGN',  r':='),          # Assignment operator
        ('END',     r';'),           # Statement terminator
        ('ID',      r'[A-Za-z]+'),   # Identifiers
        ('OP',      r'[+*\/\-]'),    # Arithmetic operators
        ('NEWLINE', r'\n'),          # Line endings
        ('SKIP',    r'[ \t]'),       # Skip over spaces and tabs
    tok_regex = '|'.join('(?P<%s>%s)' % pair for pair in token_specification)
    get_token = re.compile(tok_regex).match
    line = 1
    pos = line_start = 0
    mo = get_token(s)
    while mo is not None:
        typ = mo.lastgroup
        if typ == 'NEWLINE':
            line_start = pos
            line += 1
        elif typ != 'SKIP':
            val = mo.group(typ)
            if typ == 'ID' and val in keywords:
                typ = val
            yield Token(typ, val, line, mo.start()-line_start)
        pos = mo.end()
        mo = get_token(s, pos)
    if pos != len(s):
        raise RuntimeError('Unexpected character %r on line %d' %(s[pos], line))

statements = '''
    IF quantity THEN
        total := total + price * quantity;
        tax := price * 0.05;

for token in tokenize(statements):


tok_regex = '|'.join('(?P<%s>%s)' % pair for pair in token_specification)



pos = 0
end = len(text)
while pos < end:
    match = regexp.match(text, pos)
    # do something with your match
    pos = match.end()



x = re.compile('(?P<NUMBER>[0-9]+)|(?P<VAR>[a-z]+)')
a = x.match('9999').groupdict() # => {'VAR': None, 'NUMBER': '9999'}
if a:
    token = [a for a in a.items() if a[1] != None][0]



def find_token(lst):
    for tok in lst:
        if tok[1] != None: return tok
    raise Exception


这不是您问题的直接答案,但您可能需要查看 ANTLR 。根据这个文档,python代码生成目标应该是up到目前为止。


但是,我认为如果你要走这条路,你应该尝试像 ANTLR 这将更容易维护,更快,并且不太可能有bug。

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