我需要将HTML文档转换为有效的XML,最好是XHTML。最好的方法是什么?有没有人知道工具包/库/样本/ ......什么能帮助我完成任务?







c:\temp>tidy -help
tidy [option...] [file...] [option...] [file...]
Utility to clean up and pretty print HTML/XHTML/XML
see http://tidy.sourceforge.net/

Options for HTML Tidy for Windows released on 14 February 2006:

File manipulation
 -output <file>, -o  write output to the specified <file>
 -config <file>      set configuration options from the specified <file>
 -file <file>, -f    write errors to the specified <file>
 -modify, -m         modify the original input files

Processing directives
 -indent, -i         indent element content
 -wrap <column>, -w  wrap text at the specified <column>. 0 is assumed if
 <column>            <column> is missing. When this option is omitted, the
                     default of the configuration option "wrap" applies.
 -upper, -u          force tags to upper case
 -clean, -c          replace FONT, NOBR and CENTER tags by CSS
 -bare, -b           strip out smart quotes and em dashes, etc.
 -numeric, -n        output numeric rather than named entities
 -errors, -e         only show errors
 -quiet, -q          suppress nonessential output
 -omit               omit optional end tags
 -xml                specify the input is well formed XML
 -asxml, -asxhtml    convert HTML to well formed XHTML
 -ashtml             force XHTML to well formed HTML
 -access <level>     do additional accessibility checks (<level> = 0, 1, 2, 3).
                     0 is assumed if <level> is missing.

Character encodings
 -raw                output values above 127 without conversion to entities
 -ascii              use ISO-8859-1 for input, US-ASCII for output
 -latin0             use ISO-8859-15 for input, US-ASCII for output
 -latin1             use ISO-8859-1 for both input and output
 -iso2022            use ISO-2022 for both input and output
 -utf8               use UTF-8 for both input and output
 -mac                use MacRoman for input, US-ASCII for output
 -win1252            use Windows-1252 for input, US-ASCII for output
 -ibm858             use IBM-858 (CP850+Euro) for input, US-ASCII for output
 -utf16le            use UTF-16LE for both input and output
 -utf16be            use UTF-16BE for both input and output
 -utf16              use UTF-16 for both input and output
 -big5               use Big5 for both input and output
 -shiftjis           use Shift_JIS for both input and output
 -language <lang>    set the two-letter language code <lang> (for future use)

 -version, -v        show the version of Tidy
 -help, -h, -?       list the command line options
 -xml-help           list the command line options in XML format
 -help-config        list all configuration options
 -xml-config         list all configuration options in XML format
 -show-config        list the current configuration settings

Use --blah blarg for any configuration option "blah" with argument "blarg"

Input/Output default to stdin/stdout respectively
Single letter options apart from -f may be combined
as in:  tidy -f errs.txt -imu foo.html
For further info on HTML see http://www.w3.org/MarkUp


您可以使用 HTML Agility Pack 。它是CodePlex的开源项目。

Validator.nu HTML Parser 附带一个HTML2XML示例程序,使用HTML5解析算法和信息集强制规则。

使用Html2Xhtml for .NET 4.0:


var xhtml = Html2Xhtml.RunAsFilter(stdin => stdin.Write(html)).ReadToEnd();


var xdoc = Html2Xhtml.RunAsFilter(stdin => stdin.Write(html)).ReadToXDocument();

请参阅 http://corsis.sourceforge.net/index.php/Html2Xhtml了解更多信息。

http://corsis.sourceforge.net/index.php/Html2Xhtml http ://corsis.sourceforge.net/index.php/Html2Xhtml

Html2Xhtml是一个.NET 4.0库,用于将HTML转换为GPLv2或更高版本下许可的XHTML。

我在欧洲大型在线数据库的本地重建中测试了Html2Xhtml。 Tidy / Tidy.NET在大多数情况下都不会产生有效的输出,Chilkat的HTML-to-XML有点慢并且产生了奇怪的结果(错位,缺失,无法解释的元素)。为了找到一个免费,快速和可靠的转换工具,我创建了这个库。它的转换速度比我测试的所有其他库快2到4倍。

Html2Xhtml结合LINQ to XML的强大功能,是所有大规模数据提取和网络爬行方案的绝佳工具。


tidy -asxhtml -numeric <!> lt; index.html <!> gt; index.xhml


最简单的方法是设置Visual Studio IDE以识别您需要进行的更改。 您可以在Visual Studio 2008中执行此操作,方法是: 工具,选项,文本编辑器,HTML,验证和选择适当的目标。 可能是XHTML 1.1或XHTML 1.0 Transitional。

有关不同类型的一些信息,请阅读: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479043。 ASPX


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