If I don't use a rewrite in my CouchDB app, my static file links break:

GET 404 (Object Not Found)
GET 404 (Object Not Found)
GET 404 (Object Not Found)
modules.js:4264Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined

So I added this rewrite to fix the broken links:

{from: '/static/*', to: 'static/*'}

My broken links are fixed, but the handler doesn't work properly. modules.js's handle function doesn't match...

exports.handle = function (method, url, data) {
    if (exports.unknown_target) {
        window.location = exports.getBaseURL() + url;

    // match resolves to FALSE
    var match = exports.matchURL(method, url);

Which leads to this:

    else {
        // this log is written over and over in the console
        console.log(method + ' ' + url + ' -> [404]');
        window.location = exports.getBaseURL() + url;

The page now constantly refreshes, caught in an infinite loop.

How can I write the rewrite to the static directory so it resolves properly and matches?



Remove the script tag for modules.js in the base.html template.

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