I'm new to DDD and OO principles, sorry for my poor knowledge.

I have CustomerDTO and Customer classes.

I store all fields and properties in DTO class and use it as Base class for Customer class.

Main purpose of using DTO is to pass it to View. I've extended it in Customer class not to have duplication of properties.

Is it right way to do this or there's better OO solution?

I've read about AutoMapper, but I'd like to know, if there's alternative solution.

Many thanks for any kind of help.



I have personally never seen this approach. The reason you use a DTO is to seperate concerns between the DAL and the biz layer. It lets the business layer and the DAL change at their own paces with minimal side effects. All you have to do is change the mappings between the DTO and DO. If you inherit your DO from your DTO, whats the point of even having a DTO?

Quick answer: do not inherit your DO from your DTO. It might be easy now, but it may be a maintanence nightmare in the future.

PS Don't be afraid of Automapper. Its relativly easy to use.


This is a bad idea. Here are two reasons (there's probably a few more) why:

  • Domain Objects are specifically structured for transactions. They should not provide public access to all properties. They should only contain properties that provide behavioral purpose. DTO's have one purpose: to provide data to a consumer (such as a UI/Web Service/Message System). For example, a customer DTO may contain a properties that provide the number of orders that customer has made, and the total amount of money they have spent. On the domain side however, the Customer aggregate will probably not contain any of this information as this order information is stored in a separate order aggregate specifically tailored for order transactions.
  • DTO's are dumb POCO's with just a bunch of getters & setters. It is very bad practice to allow your domain objects to have setters on all of their properties. Operations should be atomic and provided by methods that have explicit names describing their intent. The answer to this question explains this point.

Expanded Answer:

Let's try analyze this situation, without blindly saying that no one do such a thing.

DTO - it's structures that contain only data and transfer it between boundries.

Domain Model - the key word here is 'Model' is an abstraction of you domain that solve it's problems. From an OO view it's simple class, if you break it apart it would be pure data (DTO), and pure stateless behavior (Service or Domain Service in DDD terms).

Now let's take for example MVVM pattern, particularly it's VM part. View Model - the key word here is again 'Model' is an abstraction of view that solve it's problems. There are lot's of way people implement it, some wrap Domain Objects, some do conversion, some wrap DTO's. The point here is that View Model is a Domain Model of the view, it's pretty much the same as any Model. Then why do people restrict there way to implement Domain Model.

Now back to DTO and Domain Model. As I said above we can break down Domain Object to DTO and Service. Let's consider we think of Domain object as a behavioral wrapper around DTO (like MVVM often does). Where it lead's us:

  • First we break OO encapsulations. This is bad because because it prevents our object data from incorrect usage. Someone could take our Domain object data (DTO) manipulate it directly and put our Model in invalid state. This is huge.
  • We can easily transfer our object throw boundaries, web services, serialization, cloning, we can detach out data part, and give it to our data storage or web service. This is huge for distributed systems.

Let's continue, breaking encapsulation is a serious problem. What we need is a way to guarantee that our Domain Object data will not be manipulated directly, only Domain Object should manipulate it. We can achieve this by making DTO immutable, read only object, when it's outside of Domain Object.

Now about reusing DTO, Inheritance vs Composition. Someone said: prefer composition over inheritance, and i personally do follow this rule. But you need to analyse your particular situations. The rule say 'prefer' not obey.

Original Asnwer:

Though I didn't personally seen such approach too often, I think this method is underestimated and it could be potentially very good.

I seen such questions asked many times, and all the answers were, do not do this because nobody do such things. Do not be afraid to experiment.

Ryan Bennet wrote in his answer:

It might be easy now, but it may be a maintanence nightmare in the future.

Well it's true, but what if there will be no future or it's small project, I would stick to YAGNI, TDD and Agile rules here, and do minimal work that does the job.

Code isn't something you engrave in stone and never touch, when you need you can refactor, and introduce DTO, use auto-mapper or whatever.

Old question, and I like several other answers here, particularly about separating the DAL from the business layer. HOWEVER, I'd like to mention a concrete issue that you might encounter when having DO classes inherit from DTO classes.

In .NET languages such as C# and VB, you cannot have true multiple inheritance. That is a class cannot extend two base classes. Therefore, if your DO class already extends a DTO base class, then you have precluded the possibility of inheritance between the DO class and another DO class.

Ignoring what the tables look like that actually persist the data or whether you use TPH, TPT, or TPC, imagine you have DO classes for

Car : Vehicle
Boat : Vehicle

You cannot have Car : CarDto, Vehicle. If you project is complex enough to have any inheritance between DO classes, then this is a pretty compelling argument by itself.

Finally, I'd like to just add that when choosing between inheritance vs. composition, you think in terms of "is a" vs. "has a". So what makes more sense: "Car is a CarDto" or "Car is a Vehicle"? The latter IMO.

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