






您需要在python中使用 winreg API 来读取注册表。


查看 Win32_Product WMI(Windows管理仪器)课程。 这是一篇关于在Python中使用WMI的教程

控制面板使用Win32 COM api,这是官方方法(请参阅Google Groups,Win32)

Microsoft Script Repository有一个脚本,用于列出所有已安装的软件。

import win32com.client
strComputer = "."
objWMIService = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
objSWbemServices = objWMIService.ConnectServer(strComputer,"root\cimv2")
colItems = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Product")
for objItem in colItems:
    print "Caption: ", objItem.Caption
    print "Description: ", objItem.Description
    print "Identifying Number: ", objItem.IdentifyingNumber
    print "Install Date: ", objItem.InstallDate
    print "Install Date 2: ", objItem.InstallDate2
    print "Install Location: ", objItem.InstallLocation
    print "Install State: ", objItem.InstallState
    print "Name: ", objItem.Name
    print "Package Cache: ", objItem.PackageCache
    print "SKU Number: ", objItem.SKUNumber
    print "Vendor: ", objItem.Vendor
    print "Version: ", objItem.Version

我见过的最好的基于注册表的实现是Chris Wright(chris128)在 http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?t=598355 。它使用多个注册表项,比目前发布的任何答案复杂得多。它似乎与添加/删除程序应用程序产生相同的结果,并且像ARP应用程序一样,它还提供了包含更新的选项。




    WqlObjectQuery wqlQuery =
      new WqlObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Product");
        ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
            new ManagementObjectSearcher(wqlQuery);

        foreach (ManagementObject software in searcher.Get()) {

我知道这个问题是旧的,运提到XP和也提到蟒蛇、C或C++但是我发现了很多信息在网络上有关本主题是要么不完整或不正确的。后者的一个例子是建议使用WMI--具体地说, Win32_Product 类;然而,如其他地方所指出,这种方法是 , ,部分原因是,信不信由你,每个MSI找到实际运行其维修。我呼吁这一解决办法不正确,因为如何令人痛苦地缓慢,这是因为其讨厌的副作用。例如,你已经选择了禁用程序的Windows服务,但呼叫 select * from Win32_Product, 作为确保MSI修复运行,将显然是重新启用该服务。

为什么它的价值,下面是什么我会认为是最完整的例迄今为止,尽管在C#(I编制它对框架4.6.1但更低的版本的可能工作了。) 它列出了32位和64位安装的程序;它处置注册键,它使用和运行在第二,至少在缓存踢。如果你可以提供的改进,请表明他们而不只是完全控制您的设备,我将更新的代码。

它有一件事 仍然缺少的是一些更新。例如,当我运行了它在我的窗10系统和比较有控制面板|程序和功能|安装的更新,我注意到,它并不显示 Security Update for Adobe Flash Player 对于一些原因。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.Win32;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var result = InstalledProgram.GetAllInstalledPrograms();

        result.Sort((a, b) => a.DisplayName.CompareTo(b.DisplayName));

        foreach(var program in result)
            if(!program.IsSystemComponent && !program.IsKB) Console.WriteLine(program.Dump());

public enum PlatformTypes

public class InstalledProgram
    extern public static int RegQueryInfoKey(
        Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeRegistryHandle hkey,
        StringBuilder lpClass,
        ref uint lpcbClass,
        IntPtr lpReserved,
        IntPtr lpcSubKeys,
        IntPtr lpcbMaxSubKeyLen,
        IntPtr lpcbMaxClassLen,
        IntPtr lpcValues,
        IntPtr lpcbMaxValueNameLen,
        IntPtr lpcbMaxValueLen,
        IntPtr lpcbSecurityDescriptor,
        out long lpftLastWriteTime

    public string DisplayName { get; private set; }
    public string UninstallString { get; private set; }
    public string KBNumber { get; private set; }
    public string DisplayIcon { get; private set; }
    public string Version { get; private set; }
    public DateTime InstallDate { get; private set; }
    public PlatformTypes Platform { get; private set; }
    public bool IsSystemComponent { get; private set; }
    public bool IsKB { get { return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(KBNumber); } }

    public static List<InstalledProgram> GetAllInstalledPrograms()
        var result = new List<InstalledProgram>();

        Action<PlatformTypes, RegistryKey, string> getRegKeysForRegPath = (platform, regBase, path) =>
            using(var baseKey = regBase.OpenSubKey(path))
                if(baseKey != null)
                    string[] subKeyNames = baseKey.GetSubKeyNames();
                    foreach(string subkeyName in subKeyNames)
                        using(var subKey = baseKey.OpenSubKey(subkeyName))
                            object o;

                            o = subKey.GetValue("DisplayName");
                            string displayName = o != null ? o.ToString() : "";
                            o = subKey.GetValue("UninstallString");
                            string uninstallString = o != null ? o.ToString() : "";
                            o = subKey.GetValue("KBNumber");
                            string kbNumber = o != null ? o.ToString() : "";
                            o = subKey.GetValue("DisplayIcon");
                            string displayIcon = o != null ? o.ToString() : "";
                            o = subKey.GetValue("DisplayVersion");
                            string version = o != null ? o.ToString() : "";
                            o = subKey.GetValue("InstallDate");
                            DateTime installDate = o != null ? parseInstallDate(o.ToString()) : default(DateTime);
                            o = subKey.GetValue("SystemComponent");
                            bool isSystemComponent = o != null ? o.ToString() == "1" : false;

                            // Sometimes, you need to get the KB number another way.
                            if(kbNumber == "")
                                var match = Regex.Match(displayName, @".*?\((KB\d+?)\).*");
                                if(match.Success) kbNumber = match.Groups[1].ToString();

                            // Sometimes, the only way you can get install date is from the last write
                            // time on the registry key.
                            if(installDate == default(DateTime))
                                string keyFull = baseKey + "\\" + subkeyName + "\\DisplayVersion";
                                var sb = new StringBuilder(64);
                                uint sbLen = 65;

                                        , sb
                                        , ref sbLen
                                        , IntPtr.Zero
                                        , IntPtr.Zero
                                        , IntPtr.Zero
                                        , IntPtr.Zero
                                        , IntPtr.Zero
                                        , IntPtr.Zero
                                        , IntPtr.Zero
                                        , IntPtr.Zero
                                        , out long lastWriteTime);

                                installDate = DateTime.FromFileTime(lastWriteTime);

                            if(displayName != "" && uninstallString != "")
                                result.Add(new InstalledProgram
                                    DisplayName = displayName,
                                    UninstallString = uninstallString,
                                    KBNumber = kbNumber,
                                    DisplayIcon = displayIcon,
                                    Version = version,
                                    InstallDate = installDate,
                                    Platform = platform,
                                    IsSystemComponent = isSystemComponent

        getRegKeysForRegPath(PlatformTypes.amd64, Registry.LocalMachine, @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall");
        getRegKeysForRegPath(PlatformTypes.amd64, Registry.CurrentUser, @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall");
            getRegKeysForRegPath(PlatformTypes.x86, Registry.LocalMachine, @"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall");
            getRegKeysForRegPath(PlatformTypes.x86, Registry.CurrentUser, @"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall");

        return result;

    public string Dump()
        return Platform + "\t" + DisplayName + "\t" + InstallDate + "\t" + DisplayIcon + "\t" + Version + "\t" + KBNumber + "\t" + UninstallString;

    private static DateTime parseInstallDate(string installDateStr)
                , format: "yyyyMMdd"
                , provider: new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")
                , style: System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None
                , result: out DateTime result);

        return result;

    public override string ToString()
        return DisplayName;


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