I need to create a List of object of whatever Enumeration type is passed into the function below. I don't know what type it will be, but it can be any one of many possible enumerations in my project.

public static List<object> CreateEnumList(Enum enumeration)
    List<object> returnList = new List<object>();
    for (int enumIndex = 0; enumIndex < Enum.GetNames(enumeration.GetType()).Length; enumIndex++)
    return returnList;

How can I get the type cast to work correctly? The return value MUST be List of objects. Thank you



This is enough

public static List<object> CreateEnumList(Enum enumeration)
    return Enum.GetValues(enumeration.GetType()).Cast<object>().ToList();


Solution 1

Generic Enum to List converter (C#) One for the utility library...

It takes an enum type and returns a generic list populated with each enum item.

public static List<T> EnumToList<T>()
    Type enumType = typeof (T);

    // Can't use type constraints on value types, so have to do check like this
    if (enumType.BaseType != typeof(Enum))
        throw new ArgumentException("T must be of type System.Enum");

    Array enumValArray = Enum.GetValues(enumType);

    List<T> enumValList = new List<T>(enumValArray.Length);

    foreach (int val in enumValArray) {
        enumValList.Add((T)Enum.Parse(enumType, val.ToString()));

    return enumValList;

Solution 2

This will return an IEnumerable<SomeEnum> of all the values of an Enum.


If you want that to be a List<SomeEnum>, just add .ToList() after .Cast<SomeEnum>().

public static List<T> CreateEnumList<T>(Enum enumeration)  
    return Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).Cast<T>().ToList();

Check here : How do I convert an enum to a list in C#?

Enum.Parse will do exactly what you need:

returnList.Add(Enum.Parse(enumeration.GetType(), enumIndex.ToString()));

For example, this prints b:

enum myEnum { a, b, c }
static void Main(string[] args)
    var e = Enum.Parse(typeof(myEnum), "1");

How about

public IList<object> GetBoxedEnumValues<TEnum>()
    Type enumType = typeOf(TEnum);

    if (!enumType.IsEnum)
        throw new NotSupportedException(
            string.Format("\"{0}\" is not an Enum", enumType.Name));

    return Enum.GetValues(enumType).Cast<object>().ToList();      
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