我想通过在Windows Vista上使用PyInstaller编译一个很简单的wxPython脚本转换成可执行文件。

在Python脚本只不过是一个Hello World在wxPython中。我试图让启动和运行一个Windows可执行文件之前,我添加任何的程序需要有特点。但我已经卡住了。

\ Program Files文件\微软的Visual Studio 9.0 \ VC \ REDIST:

我已经通过一些循环的问候MSVCR90.DLL,MSVCP90.DLL和MSVCPM90.DLL,我结束了从我的Visual Studio安装(C复制跃升\ 86 \ Microsoft.VC90.CRT)。



I: computing EXE_dependencies
I: Finding TCL/TK...
I: could not find TCL/TK
I: testing for Zlib...
I: ... Zlib available
I: Testing for ability to set icons, version resources...
I: ... resource update available
I: Testing for Unicode support...
I: ... Unicode available
I: testing for UPX...
I: ...UPX available
I: computing PYZ dependencies...


Makespec.py -F guitest.py

wrote C:\Code\PromoUSB\guitest.spec
now run Build.py to build the executable


Build.py guitest.spec

checking Analysis
building Analysis because out0.toc non existent
running Analysis out0.toc
Analyzing: C:\Python26\pyinstaller-1.3\support\_mountzlib.py
Analyzing: C:\Python26\pyinstaller-1.3\support\useUnicode.py
Analyzing: guitest.py
Warnings written to C:\Code\PromoUSB\warnguitest.txt
checking PYZ
rebuilding out1.toc because out1.pyz is missing
building PYZ out1.toc
checking PKG
rebuilding out3.toc because out3.pkg is missing
building PKG out3.pkg
checking ELFEXE
rebuilding out2.toc because guitest.exe missing
building ELFEXE out2.toc

我得到的产生“guitest.exe”文件,但在执行时,它“只是崩溃” ......并没有调试信息。这只是那些标准的Windows Vista崩溃的一个。



W: no module named posix (conditional import by os)
W: no module named optik.__all__ (top-level import by optparse)
W: no module named readline (delayed, conditional import by cmd)
W: no module named readline (delayed import by pdb)
W: no module named pwd (delayed, conditional import by posixpath)
W: no module named org (top-level import by pickle)
W: no module named posix (delayed, conditional import by iu)
W: no module named fcntl (conditional import by subprocess)
W: no module named org (top-level import by copy)
W: no module named _emx_link (conditional import by os)
W: no module named optik.__version__ (top-level import by optparse)
W: no module named fcntl (top-level import by tempfile)
W: __all__ is built strangely at line 0 - collections (C:\Python26\lib\collections.pyc)
W: delayed  exec statement detected at line 0 - collections (C:\Python26\lib\collections.pyc)
W: delayed conditional __import__ hack detected at line 0 - doctest (C:\Python26\lib\doctest.pyc)
W: delayed  exec statement detected at line 0 - doctest (C:\Python26\lib\doctest.pyc)
W: delayed conditional __import__ hack detected at line 0 - doctest (C:\Python26\lib\doctest.pyc)
W: delayed  __import__ hack detected at line 0 - encodings (C:\Python26\lib\encodings\__init__.pyc)
W: __all__ is built strangely at line 0 - optparse (C:\Python26\pyinstaller-1.3\optparse.pyc)
W: __all__ is built strangely at line 0 - dis (C:\Python26\lib\dis.pyc)
W: delayed  eval hack detected at line 0 - os (C:\Python26\lib\os.pyc)
W: __all__ is built strangely at line 0 - __future__ (C:\Python26\lib\__future__.pyc)
W: delayed conditional __import__ hack detected at line 0 - unittest (C:\Python26\lib\unittest.pyc)
W: delayed conditional __import__ hack detected at line 0 - unittest (C:\Python26\lib\unittest.pyc)
W: __all__ is built strangely at line 0 - tokenize (C:\Python26\lib\tokenize.pyc)
W: __all__ is built strangely at line 0 - wx (C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\__init__.pyc)
W: __all__ is built strangely at line 0 - wx (C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\wx-2.8-msw-unicode\wx\__init__.pyc)
W: delayed  exec statement detected at line 0 - bdb (C:\Python26\lib\bdb.pyc)
W: delayed  eval hack detected at line 0 - bdb (C:\Python26\lib\bdb.pyc)
W: delayed  eval hack detected at line 0 - bdb (C:\Python26\lib\bdb.pyc)
W: delayed  __import__ hack detected at line 0 - pickle (C:\Python26\lib\pickle.pyc)
W: delayed  __import__ hack detected at line 0 - pickle (C:\Python26\lib\pickle.pyc)
W: delayed conditional exec statement detected at line 0 - iu (C:\Python26\pyinstaller-1.3\iu.pyc)
W: delayed conditional exec statement detected at line 0 - iu (C:\Python26\pyinstaller-1.3\iu.pyc)
W: delayed  eval hack detected at line 0 - gettext (C:\Python26\lib\gettext.pyc)
W: delayed  __import__ hack detected at line 0 - optik.option_parser (C:\Python26\pyinstaller-1.3\optik\option_parser.pyc)
W: delayed conditional eval hack detected at line 0 - warnings (C:\Python26\lib\warnings.pyc)
W: delayed conditional __import__ hack detected at line 0 - warnings (C:\Python26\lib\warnings.pyc)
W: __all__ is built strangely at line 0 - optik (C:\Python26\pyinstaller-1.3\optik\__init__.pyc)
W: delayed  exec statement detected at line 0 - pdb (C:\Python26\lib\pdb.pyc)
W: delayed conditional eval hack detected at line 0 - pdb (C:\Python26\lib\pdb.pyc)
W: delayed  eval hack detected at line 0 - pdb (C:\Python26\lib\pdb.pyc)
W: delayed conditional eval hack detected at line 0 - pdb (C:\Python26\lib\pdb.pyc)
W: delayed  eval hack detected at line 0 - pdb (C:\Python26\lib\pdb.pyc)



解决方案 2


PyInstaller尚不支持的Python 2.6。解决的办法是得到一个网页,其中现在可以在编译过程中被发现,我是想一个补丁,如果试图使用Python 2.6编译。


编辑:使用在 http://svn.pyinstaller.org/branches/被托管的网页py26win 但它不再存在。



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