is it possible to open a explorer window from powershell and store the path selected in the explorer, to a variable?

to open explorer window from powershell

PS C:> explorer



Maybe this script is what you want:

Function Select-FolderDialog
    param([string]$Description="Select Folder",[string]$RootFolder="Desktop")

 [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("") |

   $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
        $objForm.Rootfolder = $RootFolder
        $objForm.Description = $Description
        $Show = $objForm.ShowDialog()
        If ($Show -eq "OK")
            Return $objForm.SelectedPath
            Write-Error "Operation cancelled by user."

Use as:

$folder = Select-FolderDialog # the variable contains user folder selection


I found the use of reflection in the selected answer to be a little awkward. The link below offers a more direct approach

Copy and pasted relevant code:

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$FolderBrowser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog

The above did not work for me. Running Windows 7 with Powershell Version 2. I did find the following, which did allow the pop-up and selection:

    Function Select-FolderDialog
         param([string]$Description="Select Folder",[string]$RootFolder="Desktop")

     [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("") Out-Null     

     $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
     $objForm.Rootfolder = $RootFolder
     $objForm.Description = $Description
     $Show = $objForm.ShowDialog()
     If ($Show -eq "OK")
         Return $objForm.SelectedPath
        Write-Error "Operation cancelled by user."

Just in case others have the same issues.

Just wanted to post an addendum, I believe there is a pipe | missing from in-between:




Here is a solution that opens explorer dialog window, asking user to select a folder. Then stores the folder path inside a variable named "path":

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
$null = $browser.ShowDialog()
$path = $browser.SelectedPathode

Your code worked for me only after I have replaced ".SelectedPathode" with ".SelectedPath"

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
$null = $browser.ShowDialog()
$path = $browser.SelectedPath

Here is also the documentation regarding the respective property -

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