In this question I asked about supporting an expression language and used the Javascript idea sucessfully Putting a simple expression language into java

But the Javascript expressions required have become quite verbose and Im trying to work out how I can use ScriptEngine to create javascript functions that I can refer to in my expressions so that the expressions can be shorter.

So far I've hacked a solution by using reexp on the user entered string which can include a pseudo function called ifempty which I then convert to the javascript before passing to script engine

public final String formatFromMask(String mask,Song exampleSong)
        mask = convertPsuedoFunctions(mask);
            ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
            ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
            for(SongFieldName next:SongFieldName.values())
            Object result = engine.eval(mask);
            return (String)result;
        catch(ScriptException se)
        return "";

    private String convertPsuedoFunctions(String mask)
        //i.e ifnotempty(artist,' - ') -> (artist.length>0 ? artist + ' - ' : '')
                             "($1.length>0 ? $1 + $2 : '')");

        return mask;

which could parse an expression such as

+ ifnotempty(artist,' - ')
+ ifnotempty(album,' - ')
+ ifnotempty(track,' - ')
+ ifnotempty(title,'')

but I was wondering about a proper solution, whereby I actually create a real javascript function.



Why not creating a real Javascript function that you add to the script?

function ifnotempty(value,sep){
    return value != undefined && value.length > 0 ? value + sep : '';

So your function becomes:

private String convertPsuedoFunctions(String mask)
         "function ifnotempty(value,sep){return value!=undefined&&value.length>0?value+sep:'';}"
         + mask;

Additionally you can create a file with some default functions you support and prepend that to the users script. Just like above. But instead of one hardcoded function, you read the file into a String.

private static final String defaultFunctions = File("functions.js"),Charsets.US_ASCII);

private String convertPsuedoFunctions(String mask)
    return defaultFunctions + mask;
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