I have a very simple Java code, like this (this is just an excerpt):

  AnObject object = null;
  for(AnObject elem : list) // where the list is of the type List<AnObject>
    if(<some dynamic condition goes here>)
      object = elem;

  Log.v(TAG, object.property); // was initially omitted, added for the answer

  // more code skipped for simplicity

  if(object == null)
  {                  //
    break;           //
  }                  // this all is marked as dead code

In Eclipse, the fragment with comments is marked as a dead code. Why? There is no final elements in the condition. The object variable is not assigned anywhere to constant null, except for the very beginning of the cycle, after which it should be normally overriden, but it does not happen always. The object can very well be null and non-null.

Am I missing something?

The Answer

Well, I found the answer, and to show it I must add one line of code to my example, which I omitted by accident when tried to simplify the code excerpt, but it is important. The line is:

Log.v(TAG, object.property);

So the object must be non-null, otherwise the code unreachable by exception. This line was added temporary for debugging purposes, which is why it was out of my consideration.



I can't reproduce that warning in eclipse.

Could it be that you accidently forgot some piece of code in your original question which might lead to a situation where no code behind it is executed. As you marked the complete if statement as dead code and not just its body, this seems to be the case. That missing line could be something that actually uses object (probably as simple as a logging statement where you try to access one of object's properties).

Even if the if condition is not marked as dead, its body might still be. Either object is not null (and the if body would not be executed) or – if object is null – a NullPointerException would be thrown in that missing line so that the execution stops there.


Can't reproduce with the following program:

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
            List<Object> list = new LinkedList<Object>();
          Object object = null;
          for(Object elem : list) 
            if(new Date().getSeconds() % 3 == 0)
              object = elem;
          if(object == null) 



This is Eclipse 3.7.2 with Java SE 1.7

Because, if list is null (in your code there's no init for list), you won't ever initialize Object. My Trashtalk, my bad.

If the inner 'if' always go false, the dead code could be marked inside it. If the elements are null, the comparisson in the end still applies. If you return before your dead code block, it will raise an unreachable code error.

As others say, couldn't replicate it.

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