If path = "\ProgramFiles\MobileApp\es-gl\a.dll". I want to get "\ProgramFiles\MobileApp\es-gl" alone. Just want to know the parent directory of the file a.dll. Is there Any inbuilt method in c#? I am using .net Compact Framework



I also needed such a function to find the parent directory of a folder seamlessly. So I created one myself:

        public static string ExtractFolderFromPath(string fileName, string pathSeparator, bool includeSeparatorAtEnd)
            int pos = fileName.LastIndexOf(pathSeparator);
            return fileName.Substring(0,(includeSeparatorAtEnd ? pos+1 : pos));

Just send pathSeparator ("\" for windows and "/" for unix-like paths). set last parameter true if you want separator included at the end. for ex: C:\foo\



There is a Parent directory on FileInfo(System.IO namespace). Example code :

var file = new FileInfo(@"\ProgramFiles\MobileApp\es-gl\a.dll");
var parent = file.Directory.Parent;

I'm not sure but I think the FileInfo and DirectoryInfo classes are supported on the Compact Framework.

Try this:

FileInfo myFile = new FileInfo("\ProgramFiles\MobileApp\es-gl\a.dll");
string parentDirectory = myFile.Directory.Name;

According to the MSDN documentation you could also do this:

FileInfo myFile = new FileInfo("\ProgramFiles\MobileApp\es-gl\a.dll");
string parentDirectory = myFile.DirectoryName;

Check out these MSDN links for more info:



You can just use the methods of the string class.

        string path = @"\ProgramFiles\MobileApp\es-gl\a.dll";
        string newPath = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('\\'));
var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(@"c:\some\path\to\a\file.txt");
// returns "c:\some\path\to\a"


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