Basically I am trying to add a Pinterest feed widget to an ExpressionEngine site. I found this tutorial which was very helpful but the issue is that I can't use the Tag Stripping plugin that is referenced because the site I am helping out with uses ExpressionEngine 1x and the plugin is only for 2x.

If you look at the source of a Pinterest rss feed like: you will see that within the <description> tags is the url for the Pinterest image along with the pin's title, tags and a relative link to the pin on pinterest. I'd like to be able to extract only the value between the double quotes after 'img src'.

The tutorial also uses a plugin called Magpie which is already loaded on the site so I am good there.

Ideally, I'd like my code to look something like this:

{exp:magpie url="" parse="inward"
refresh="720" limit="5"} {items}<a href="{link}" target="_blank"><img
src="<?php code-to-grab-the-img-src->{description} ?>"
alt="{title}"></a>{/items} {/exp:magpie}

Obviously "code-to-grab-the-img-src->{description}" doesn't work so I am looking for a function or something that will. How can I tell Magpie to extract only the img src value without using the SuperGeekery Tag Stripper plugin?




I'd suggest building a simple plugin to handle this, you could use the same regex as my other answer (which is failing due to trouble getting the {description} content into PHP).

Here's what your plugin could look like:


$plugin_info = array(
  'pi_name' => 'Get Pinterest Image',
  'pi_version' => '1.0',
  'pi_author' => 'Derek Hogue',
  'pi_author_url' => '',
  'pi_description' => 'Grabs the image URL from a Pinterest RSS feed description element.',
  'pi_usage' => Get_pinterest_image::usage()

class Get_pinterest_image

var $return_data = "";

  function Get_pinterest_image()
    global $TMPL;
    $fallback = $TMPL->fetch_param('fallback_image');
    preg_match("/src=\"(.+)(?=\"&gt;&lt;\/a&gt;)/ui", $TMPL->tagdata, $matches);
    $this->return_data = (!empty($matches)) ? $matches[1] : $fallback;

  function usage()
    {exp:get_pinterest_image fallback="/path/to/fallback_image.png"}{description}{/exp:get_pinterest_image}

    Where {description} is the "description" XML node from the Pinterest RSS feed (likely parsed via the Magpie plugin).
  $buffer = ob_get_contents();
  return $buffer;



This would, as per EE conventions, be named get_pinterest_image.php, and go into your /plugins/ folder. Then in your template:

{exp:magpie url="" refresh="720" limit="5" parse="inward"}
        <a href="{link}" target="_blank"><img src="{exp:get_pinterest_image fallback="/path/to/fallback_image.png"}{description}{/exp:get_pinterest_image}" alt="{title}" /></a>


Sure - enable PHP on output, then use this regex:

{exp:magpie url="" refresh="720" limit="5"}
    preg_match("/src=\"(.+)(?=\"&gt;&lt;\/a&gt;)/ui", '{description}', $matches);
    $src = (!empty($matches)) ? $matches[1] : '/path/to/default-image.png';
    <a href="{link}" target="_blank"><img src="<?php echo $src; ?>" alt="{title}"></a>

This code includes a fallback for another image to use in case the image src can't be found for some reason.

Not tested, but it should work.

RSS parsing is hard! If you're willing to go a little more complicated and bring the feed content into EE, I've had good luck with the EE2-only DataGrab, so you might find some happiness with the free EE1 predecessor: FeedGrab.

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