Scalaz 7: Idiomatic way of turning values in Either to plain values plus logged errors?


  •  02-07-2021
  •  | 

Given a function f: A => E \/ B, what is an idiomatic way to gather the B results for some list of As while logging the Es?

I came up with the following (partially while answering this SO question):

import scalaz._, Scalaz._
type Logger[+A] = Writer[List[String], A]

def logged[A, E, B, F[_]](f: A => E \/ B)(implicit FM: Monoid[F[E]], FP: Pointed[F]): (A => Writer[F[E], Option[B]]) = 
  (a: A) => f(a).fold(e => Writer(FP.point(e), None), b => Writer(, Some(b)))

def listLogged[A, E, B](f: A => E \/ B) = logged[A, E, B, List](f)

type W[+A] = Writer[List[String], A]

def keepOdd(n: Int): String \/ Int = 
  if (n % 2 == 1) \/.right(n) else \/.left(n + " was even")

scala> val x = List(5, 6).traverse[W, Option[Int]](listLogged(keepOdd))
x: W[List[Option[Int]]] = scalaz.WriterTFunctions$$anon$26@503d0400

res11: (List[String], List[Option[Int]]) = (List(6 was even),List(Some(5), None))

scala> val (logs, results) =
logs: List[String] = List(6 was even)
results: List[Int] = List(5)

Is there a shorter / better / less restrictive / more general way?



You can use putWith to write what to my eye is a more readable logged method:

def logged[A, E, B, F[_]: PlusEmpty: Pointed](f: A => E \/ B) = (a: A) =>

I also think the PlusEmpty context bound on F looks a little cleaner than explicitly requiring F[E]] to be a monoid (it accomplishes the same thing, of course). It's a shame that the .point[Id] bit is necessary—that there's not a Writer.putWith—but beggars can't be choosers, I guess.

I'd also write keepOdd like this:

def keepOdd(n: Int) = Either.cond(n % 2 == 1, n, n + " was even").disjunction

Or at least use n.right instead of \/.right(n), but that's just a matter of taste.

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