I need to exclude all files and folders from a certain directories while doing the recursion. I have this code so far :

$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($websiteRoot.$file["filepathfromroot"]));
     foreach ($it as $currentfile)
      if (!$it->isDot()&&$it->isFile()&&!in_array($it->getSubPath(), $file["exclude-directories"])) {

        //do something

However this subpath will only match for children and and not files and sub directories off the children. i.e For a directory structure of Foo/bar/hello.php. If you add Foo to the exclude list hello.php would still come in the result.

Does anyone have a solution for this ?



Replace :

in_array($it->getSubPath(), $file["exclude-directories"])

By something like :

!in_array_beginning_with($it->getSubPath(), $file["exclude-directories"])

And you implement the function :

function in_array_beginning_with($path, $array) {
  foreach ($array as $begin) {
    if (strncmp($path, $begin, strlen($begin)) == 0) {
      return true;
  return false;

But that's not a very good way because you will recursivly get into useless directories even if they are very big and deep. In your case, I'll suggest you to do a old-school recursive function to read your directory :


function directory_reader($dir, array $ignore = array (), array $deeps = array ())
    array_push($deeps, $dir);
    $fulldir = implode("/", $deeps) . "/";
    if (is_dir($fulldir))
        if (($dh = opendir($fulldir)) !== false)
            while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
                $fullpath = $fulldir . $file;
                if (in_array($fullpath, $ignore)) {
                    continue ;

                // do something with fullpath
                echo $fullpath . "<br/>";

                if (is_dir($fullpath) && (strcmp($file, '.') != 0) && (strcmp($file, '..') != 0))
                    directory_reader($file, $ignore, $deeps);

If you try directory_reader(".", array("aDirectoryToIngore")), it will not be read at all.

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