I want to write acceptance tests, with SpecFlow (Gherkin) to verify different scenarios. Especially I want to verify the login process, that uses persistant cookies and sessionstate.

I've done something similar with services, where I programmatically started each service needed for the test, in a servicehost. This enables me to manipulate the IoC container before the service is instantiated.

I want something similar for my MVC controllers. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of testing in MVC 4?



Check out Selenium WebDriver

Here is an example with Chrome Driver:

using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace Tests.UI
    public class TestGoogleSearch
        IWebDriver _driver;

        public void Setup()
                                       //path to chrome driver exe
            _driver = new ChromeDriver(@"C:\MyProject\lib\");

        public void Teardown()

        public void TestSearchGoogleForTheAutomatedTester()

            IWebElement queryBox = _driver.FindElement(By.Name("q"));
            queryBox.SendKeys("stack overflow");

            Assert.True(_driver.Title.Contains("stack overflow"));
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