I've installed Chutzpah and ran it a couple of times in my computer, then I restarted and I get this sort of error when trying to run either from extension in Visual Studio or command:

>chutzpah.console /wait /path C:\Projects\CP\Testing\RESAAS.JavaScriptTestSuite\Specs

Chutzpah Error: Chutzpah.Exceptions.ChutzpahTimeoutException: Timeout occured when running C:\Projects\CP\Testing\RESAAS.JavaScriptTestSuite\Specs\User\RegistrationSpec.js
at Chutzpah.TestRunner.HandleTestProcessExitCode(Int32 exitCode, String inputTestFile) in c:\Dev\chutzpah\Chutzpah\TestRunner.cs:line 217
at Chutzpah.TestRunner.InvokeTestRunner(String headlessBrowserPath, TestOptions options, TestContext testContext, TestRunnerMode testRunnerMode, ITestMethodRunnerCallback callback) in c:\Dev\chutzpah\Chutzpah\TestRunner.cs:line 200
at Chutzpah.TestRunner.<>c__DisplayClass2.<ProcessTestPaths>b__1(PathInfo testFile) in c:\Dev\chutzpah\Chutzpah\TestRunner.cs:line 143
While Running:C:\Projects\CP\Testing\RESAAS.JavaScriptTestSuite\Specs\User\RegistrationSpec.js

Chutzpah Error: Chutzpah.Exceptions.ChutzpahTimeoutException: Timeout occured when running C:\Projects\CP\Testing\RESAAS.JavaScriptTestSuite\Specs\User\SendMessageSpec.js
at Chutzpah.TestRunner.HandleTestProcessExitCode(Int32 exitCode, String inputTestFile) in c:\Dev\chutzpah\Chutzpah\TestRunner.cs:line 217
at Chutzpah.TestRunner.InvokeTestRunner(String headlessBrowserPath, TestOptions options, TestContext testContext, TestRunnerMode testRunnerMode, ITestMethodRunnerCallback callback) in c:\Dev\chutzpah\Chutzpah\TestRunner.cs:line 200
at Chutzpah.TestRunner.<>c__DisplayClass2.<ProcessTestPaths>b__1(PathInfo testFile) in c:\Dev\chutzpah\Chutzpah\TestRunner.cs:line 143
While Running:C:\Projects\CP\Testing\RESAAS.JavaScriptTestSuite\Specs\User\SendMessageSpec.js

=== 0 total, 0 failed, took 0.00 seconds ===

If I click on a single test on one file in Visual Studio and ask it to run in browser it actually execute correctly, but since we got 100+ files I can't use this method for all files.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated. It seems quite hard to find a reference online.


解决方案 2

Just jumped back all the way to version 1.4 (to match my colleague) and the bug is all gone, since I am not using any new feature it is fine.


In 2.0 version there is /timeoutMilliseconds option. Set this to a higher value, default is 5000 (ms)

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