I am trying to get 2 monitors setup.

I have Radeon HD 4800, using the open-source driver. 64bit. When i change the monitor settings in KDE it changes, but when i reboot: the monitors is going back to duplicated (screen settings have not been saved).

This is the settings i want: enter image description here

How can i make the system automaticly use these settings at boot?



I solved it. Made a script 1920x2.sh in /etc/X11.

xrandr --output DVI-0 --auto --output DVI-1 --auto --right-of DVI-0

Added this script to Alt + F2: Autostart. Maybe not the best solution, but i works.


At the first, run display in console and check what is writing on stdout/stderr. Next things is check xorg log. If all this idea don't work you may edit conf file manualy. Of course you may also try run display settings as root.

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