The question: How to use "placement new" for creating an array with dynamic size? or more specifically, how to allocate memory for array elements from a pre-allocated memory.

I am using the following code:

void* void_array = malloc(sizeof(Int)); 
Int* final_array = new(void_array) Int;

This guarantees that the final_array* (the array pointer) is allocated from the place that is reserved by void_array*. But what about the final_array elements? I want them to be allocated from a pre-allocated memory as well.

P.S: I have to say that I'm using some API that gives me some controls over a tile architecture. There is a function that works exactly like malloc, but also have other features, e.g. lets you control the properties of the allocated memory. So, what i basically need to do, is to use that malloc-like function to allocate memory with my desired properties (e.g. from which memory bank, to be cached where and etc.)



First off, let's make sure we all agree on the separation of memory allocation and object construction. With that in mind, let's assume we have enough memory for an array of objects:

void * mem = std::malloc(sizeof(Foo) * N);

Now, you cannot use placement array-new, because it is broken. The correct thing to do is construct each element separately:

for (std::size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i)
    new (static_cast<Foo*>(mem) + i) Foo;

(The cast is only needed for the pointer arithmetic. The actual pointer required by placement-new is just a void pointer.)

This is exactly how the standard library containers work, by the way, and how the standard library allocators are designed. The point is that you already know the number of elments, because you used it in the initial memory allocation. Therefore, you have no need for the magic provided by C++ array-new, which is all about storing the array size somewhere and calling constructors and destructors.

Destruction works in reverse:

for (std::size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i)
    (static_cast<Foo*>(mem) + i)->~Foo();


One more thing you must know about, though: Exception safety. The above code is in fact not correct unless Foo has a no-throwing constructor. To code it correctly, you must also store an unwind location:

std::size_t cur = 0;
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i, ++cur)
        new (static_cast<Foo*>(mem) + i) Foo;
catch (...)
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i != cur; ++i)
        (static_cast<Foo*>(mem) + i)->~Foo();


Instead of using a custom malloc, you should overwrite operator new() and use it. This is not operator new; there is a function actually called operator new(), confusing as it may seem, which is the function used by the normal (non-placement) operator new in order to get raw memory upon which to construct objects. Of course, you only need to overwrite it if you need special memory management; otherwise the default version works fine.

The way to use it is as follows, asuming your array size will be size:

Int* final_array = static_cast<Int*>(size == 0 ? 0 : operator new(sizeof(Int) * size));

Then you can construct and destroy each element independently. For instance, for element n:

// Create
new(final_array + n) Int; // use whatever constructor you want

// Destroy
(final_array + n)->~Int();
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