It should be a multiple upload form for pictures

I get the HTML Code for a Upload-Form:

<form action="upload.php" method="post" id="uploadform" name="uploadform" enctype="multipart/form-data">  
        <label id="filelabel" for="fileselect">Choose the Pictures</label>
        <input type="file" id="fileselect" class="fileuplaod" name="uploads[]" multiple />
        <span class="text">Exist Album</span><br />
        <select id="existAlbum" name="existAlbum" size="1">
            <option value="noAlbum">SELECT ALBUM</option>       
        <span class="text">OR</span>
        <span class="text">New Album</span><br />
        <input id="newAlbum" name="newAlbum" type="text" maxlength="20" placeholder="ALBUM NAME"/>
        <input type="submit">

The form link to the uploaded.php. But there i get:

Notice: Undefined index: existAlbum in E:\xampp\htdocs\fotokurs\upload\upload.php on line 11

Notice: Undefined index: newAlbum in E:\xampp\htdocs\fotokurs\upload\upload.php on line 12

Here's the upload.php:

$allowedExtensions = array('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'); 

$maxSize = 20971520;  

$i = 0;  

$first = 0;

$exist_album = $_POST['existAlbum']; 
$new_album = $_POST['newAlbum'];

Where is my fault? I can't find it...

EDIT Add following to my code:

if( isset( $_POST['existAlbum'] ) or isset( $_POST['newAlbum'] ) ){
    $exist_album = $_POST['existAlbum']; 
    $new_album = $_POST['newAlbum'];
    echo 'no album <br />';

new output:

no album 
Array ( ) 
Notice: Undefined variable: new_album in E:\xampp\htdocs\fotokurs\upload\upload.php on line 20

Notice: Undefined variable: exist_album in E:\xampp\htdocs\fotokurs\upload\upload.php on line 21

Notice: Undefined variable: new_album in E:\xampp\htdocs\fotokurs\upload\upload.php on line 22

Notice: Undefined variable: exist_album in E:\xampp\htdocs\fotokurs\upload\upload.php on line 23


One of your issues is that existAlbum has no actual values associated with it.

You have <option>Select Album</option> which has no value associated with the option element. If there is no value associated, the select element is not posted to the server. You should change it to be:

<option value="">Select Album</option>


Since the user only has to supply one or the other, you should use the following to set your variables:

$existsAlbum = (isset($_POST['existAlbum']) && !empty($_POST['existAlbum'])) ? $_POST['existAlbum'] : 'defaultValue';
$newAlbum = (isset($_POST['newAlbum']) && !empty($_POST['newAlbum'])) ? $_POST['newAlbum'] : 'defaultValue';

One important thing to note is that Internet Explorer does not support the placeholder attribute.


Here is my quick test page that worked test.php:

  <form action="upload.php" method="post" id="uploadform" name="uploadform" enctype="multipart/form-data">  
    <label id="filelabel" for="fileselect">Choose the Pictures</label>
    <input type="file" id="fileselect" class="fileuplaod" name="uploads[]" multiple />
    <span class="text">Exist Album</span><br />
    <select id="existAlbum" name="existAlbum" size="1">
      <option value="noAlbum">SELECT ALBUM</option>       
    <span class="text">OR</span>
    <span class="text">New Album</span><br />
    <input id="newAlbum" name="newAlbum" type="text" maxlength="20" placeholder="ALBUM NAME"/>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">


<?php print_r($_POST); ?>
<?php print_r($_FILES); ?>


    [existAlbum] => noAlbum
    [newAlbum] => 
    [uploads] => Array
            //Contents here


Try if the value existAlbum get set, because it won't return any value if you there is nothing picked. You could give the existAlbum picker a default='1' or something:

 if isset($_POST['existAlbum']){
        echo 'yes';
      echo 'no';

I think that there is something wrong with the rule enctype="multipart/form-data". Try to just remove this, it should be set automatically by your browser.

You have no value for the option select album, even if you don't intend that option to be used give it a value such as 0 so that it will always be set in the POST variables.

<option value="0">SELECT ALBUM</option>
<option value="some album">Some Album</option>

If select is not picked you will not get it at all (you expect it to be empty, which is not true). You have to check first

$exist_album = isset($_POST['existAlbum']) ? $_POST['existAlbum'] : '<DEFAULT VALUE>';

and same for checkbox.

The newAlbum thing should work as text inputs are always there. See


to see what's really in there, and in my case it is - on "empty" submit I get:

    [existAlbum] => SELECT ALBUM
    [newAlbum] => 

BTW: you should use <?php rather than <?PHP.

print $_POST Array using print_r($_POST); Make sure your form action is correct

<form action="upload.php" method="post" id="uploadform" name="uploadform" enctype="multipart/form-data">
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