I am trying to build Linux Fusion for DirectFB. I downloaded it from directfb.org .

The steps are described in README. They are asking for modprobe fusion after make and make install.

When i run this command i get the error:

Module Fusion not found.

What are possible issues and how can I resolve them?



I think you have followed all steps


and now still you getting that error it means

your make and make install were not successful. Do you see any error messages on terminal after running make or make install?

If make and make install were succusfull then modeprobe fusion should work

Edit from chat discussion


modprobe fusion

will try to find fusion.ko in /lib/modules/$(uname -r) but some how .ko was not there or not working after make install so

tried with

cd go_in_fusion_directory
insmod fusion.ko

worked fine...!!

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