I have a file arranged like so:
"url3","info3" ... all the way up to "url15","info15"

I would like to read the last 10 lines of the file into an array such that $pagelist[0][0] would give url5 and $pagelist[0][1] would give info5.

My current code is as follows:

while (!feof($file)) {
    if ($i >= (count($file)-11)) {
        $key++; }

When I used print_r($pagelist) it seemed to have loaded all the lines of the file into the array instead of just the last 10. Can anyone see what I've done wrong in my code? thanks :)



The problem with you code is that count($file) is not doing what you think. $file is just a file handle resource, not an array. You end up comparing $i >= -11, which will of course always evaluate to true/

You might try something like this if you want to just use linux to grab the last ten lines (not sure if you are on linux):

$initial_csv = 'csvfile.txt';
$truncated_csv ='csvfile_trun';
$number_of_lines_from_end = 10;
shell_exec('tail -n ' . $number_of_lines_from_end . ' ' . $initial_csv . ' > ' . $truncated_csv);
while (!feof($file)) {

Alternatively, if you don't mind having the entire file in memory (i.e. the file will remain small), you can read the entire file into an array like this.

$csv = 'csvfile.txt';
$number_of_lines_from_end = 10;
$file_array = file($csv);
$line_count = count($file_array);
$start = $line_count - $number_of_lines_from_end - 1;
for ($i = $start; $i < $line_count; $i++) {


Yet another implementation, for the fun of it (Mike's tail is probably fastest):

$storage  = new SPLFixedArray(10);
$i = 0;
while(($line = fgets($file)) && ++$i) {
    $storage[$i%10] = $line;
$storage = $storage->toArray();
//switch if order is important;
$prepend = array_splice($storage,($i%10)+1,10 - ($i%10));
//interpret csv
$result = array_map('str_getcsv',$storage);
$pagelist= [];                  
$temp = fgetcsv($file);          
array_merge($pagelist, $temp);   
$lastten = array_slice($pagelist, -10, 10); 

*I might be wrong about the slice offset and limit.

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