Possible Duplicate:
running a qt application at startup

How can I run a qt program at startup so that the user won't see the desktop at all? I am building my program in linux and I want to distribute it to linux users. I want to add that code to my app, because the customers don't have any understanding about linux. I found that QSettings can do that, is it true? What about QService? Can we use a simple code like this?

QSettings  a;


QSettings has zero relevance to this and QService is for Symbian devices. In fact, your question has nothing to do with Qt.

What you need to do is place a *.desktop shortcut or link to the application in the user's startup folder. See:


For example, if I want to start the application /opt/myapp/myapp_executable at login, I would create a myapp.desktop file with the following contents:

[Desktop Entry]

and put it in my ~/.config/autostart directory.

If you want it to be executed for every user at login, then you'd put it in /etc/xdg/autostart/. But again, check the XDG site because the directory can be different if an XDG environment variable is set that overrides the default.

Your question really belongs on http://superuser.com


If you are using linux, use cron to launch your program, add something like this to crontab:

@reboot /path/to/program

Or to launch it at user login, append /path/to/program to ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile

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