此问题关于重构F#代码给了我一个投票,但也有一些有趣和有用的答案。在32,000+ SO中的62个F#问题似乎可怜,所以我将冒更多的反对风险!)

我昨天试图在博客博客上发布一些代码,然后转向此网站 ,我在过去发现有用。然而,博主编辑吃了所有的样式声明,结果证明是死路一条。

所以(就像任何黑客一样),我认为<!>“它有多难?<!>并在<!> lt; 100行F#中滚动我自己。

这是代码的'meat',它将输入字符串转换为'tokens'列表。请注意,这些标记不应与lexing / parsing-style标记混淆。我确实简单地看了一下,虽然我几乎什么都不懂,但我明白他们会给我只有代币,而我想保留原来的字符串。


//Types of tokens we are going to detect
type Token = 
    | Whitespace of string
    | Comment of string
    | Strng of string
    | Keyword of string
    | Text of string
    | EOF

//turn a string into a list of recognised tokens
let tokenize (s:String) = 
    //this is the 'parser' - should we look at compiling the regexs in advance?
    let nexttoken (st:String) = 
        match st with
        | st when Regex.IsMatch(st, "^\s+") -> Whitespace(Regex.Match(st, "^\s+").Value)
        | st when Regex.IsMatch(st, "^//.*?\r?\n") -> Comment(Regex.Match(st, "^//.*?\r?\n").Value) //this is double slash-style comments
        | st when Regex.IsMatch(st, "^/\*(.|[\r?\n])*?\*/") -> Comment(Regex.Match(st, "^/\*(.|[\r?\n])*?\*/").Value) // /* */ style comments http://ostermiller.org/findcomment.html
        | st when Regex.IsMatch(st, @"^""([^""\\]|\\.|"""")*""") -> Strng(Regex.Match(st, @"^""([^""\\]|\\.|"""")*""").Value) // unescaped = "([^"\\]|\\.|"")*" http://wordaligned.org/articles/string-literals-and-regular-expressions
        | st when Regex.IsMatch(st, "^#(end)?region") -> Keyword(Regex.Match(st, "^#(end)?region").Value)
        | st when st <> "" -> 
                match Regex.Match(st, @"^[^""\s]*").Value with //all text until next whitespace or quote (this may be wrong)
                | x when iskeyword x -> Keyword(x)  //iskeyword uses Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider.IsValidIdentifier - a bit fragile...
                | x -> Text(x)
        | _ -> EOF

    //tail-recursive use of next token to transform string into token list
    let tokeneater s = 
        let rec loop s acc = 
            let t = nexttoken s
            match t with
            | EOF -> List.rev acc //return accumulator (have to reverse it because built backwards with tail recursion)
            | Whitespace(x) | Comment(x) 
            | Keyword(x) | Text(x) | Strng(x) -> 
                loop (s.Remove(0, x.Length)) (t::acc)  //tail recursive
        loop s []

    tokeneater s


修改 使用活动模式,中心位看起来像这样,好多了!

let nexttoken (st:String) = 
    match st with
    | Matches "^\s+" s -> Whitespace(s)
    | Matches "^//.*?\r?(\n|$)" s -> Comment(s) //this is double slash-style comments
    | Matches "^/\*(.|[\r?\n])*?\*/" s -> Comment(s)  // /* */ style comments http://ostermiller.org/findcomment.html
    | Matches @"^@?""([^""\\]|\\.|"""")*""" s -> Strng(s) // unescaped regexp = ^@?"([^"\\]|\\.|"")*" http://wordaligned.org/articles/string-literals-and-regular-expressions
    | Matches "^#(end)?region" s -> Keyword(s) 
    | Matches @"^[^""\s]+" s ->   //all text until next whitespace or quote (this may be wrong)
            match s with
            | IsKeyword x -> Keyword(s)
            | _ -> Text(s)
    | _ -> EOF



let (|Matches|_|) re s =
  let m = Regex(re).Match(s)
  if m.Success then
    Some(Matches (m.Value))


let nexttoken (st:String) =         
  match st with        
  | Matches "^s+" s -> Whitespace(s)        
  | Matches "^//.*?\r?\n" s -> Comment(s)
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